二十笔实用成语 1089

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二十笔实用成语 1089

帖子 royl » 周六 7月 30, 2022 8:02 am

二十笔实用成语 1089

01. there's no dishonor in doing something
定义: 做某事并不应该觉得羞耻.
例句: There's no dishonor in doing manual labor. (做劳力活并不丢人)

02. there's no getting around it
定义: 没别的办法, 只有这样做; 无法回避它或忽视它.
例句: Advocating for renewable energy is important, but there's no getting around the fact that the world needs non-renewable energy sources as well. (推动可再生能源虽然重要, 但却无法回避这世界也需要不可再生能源的事实)

03. there's no going back
定义: 覆水难收, 无法改变, 不可能走回头路.
例句: I've already signed the contract, so there's no going back now. (我已经签了合同, 所以覆水难收, 现在要走回头路是不可能了)

04. there's no harm in ...
定义: 也无妨, 没害处, 不会造成伤害.
例句: They are not always willing to take on untrained workers, but there's no harm in asking. (他们并不总是愿意雇用未经培训的工人, 但问一问也无妨)

05. there's no knowing/saying/telling ...
定义: 很难说, 无法预料.
例句: He's already very volatile at the moment. There's no telling how he'll react to bad news like this. (他现在的情绪已经很不稳定了. 对这样坏消息, 他的反应就难以逆料. 注: 这里形容情绪的volatile乃是指极端或突发的情绪变化)

06. there's no law against ...
定义: 并没法律不准做某事.
例句: Why shouldn't I try to haggle with the waitress? There's no law against it. (我为什么不可以跟女服务员讨价还价? 法律又没有禁止讲价)

07. there's no need to be ...
定义: 没必要这么...
例句: I know you're upset, but there's no need to be rude to your mother. (我知道你心情很乱, 但你没必要对你妈妈这么没礼貌)

08. there's no need to do something
定义: 没必要做某事.
例句: There's no need to drive me all the way to the airport, you know. I'm perfectly fine riding a bus. (你没必要一路开车送我来机场, 你是知道的. 搭乘公车去机场我是完全没问题的)

09. there's no place like home
定义: [谚语]没有一个地方比家还更温馨.
例句: I know there's no place like home, but you really ought to go out and explore the world! (我知道没有一个地方比家还更温馨, 但你也确实该出去走走, 探索这个世界!)

10. there's no room for doubt
定义: 毫无疑问.
例句: It's time to show them what you're made of. There's no room for doubt, no room for second guesses, no room for error. (是时候向他们展示你真正的实力了. 不要怀疑, 不要犹豫, 不要犯错就好)

11. there's no sense in ...
定义: 没意义(没必要, 没道理)去做...
例句: There's no sense in asking him; he doesn't know anything. (没必要问他; 他什么都不知道)

12. there's no smoke without fire
定义: [谚语]谣言并不是凭空捏造的; 无风不起浪; 空穴来风, 未必无因.
例句: We decided to investigate the company's financial statements, since they had been paying next to no tax even though their profits were way up. There's no smoke without fire, after all. (我们决定调查这家公司的财务报表, 因为他们的利润虽然大幅地增长, 但他们几乎什么税都没缴. 毕竟, 无风不起浪, 谣言不是凭空捏造的)

13. there's no such thing as a free lunch
定义: [谚语]天下没有白吃的午餐. (注: 意指没有平白无故好处, 也没有不劳而获这么好的事情)
例句: There is no free lunch. Don't feel entitled to anything you don't sweat and struggle for. (天下没有免费的午餐. 别以为你有权利获得任何你没有付出辛勤代价的成果)

14. there's no two ways about it
定义: 肯定的; 毫无疑问的; 就是这个意思; 别无选择; 别无它法; 只有如此了.
例句: Sorry, Bill, we have to let you go. There's no two ways about it. (抱歉, 比尔, 我们不得不辞退你. 我们别无选择, 只有如此了)

15. there's no use …
定义: ...也是没用的或徒劳无功的.
例句: It's going to rain soon anyway, so there's no use washing the car now. (反正马上就要下雨了, 现在洗车也没用)

16. there's not much to choose between them
定义: 两者没有大区别, 没有可以选择的.
例句: A Ford or a Mercury? There's not much to choose between them. (选择福特还是水星? 他们两者之间没有什么区别)

17. there's nothing better than ...
定义: 没有比...更好; 最好的, 最喜爱的.
例句: My wife and I like nothing better than a nice long walk along the beach. (我和我的妻子最喜爱沿着海滩一路散步)

18. there's nothing funny about it
定义: 这一点都不好笑. (注: 意指你说的笑话不好笑, 或者有人说的一件事情要严肃对待, 不可嘻笑)
例句: There's nothing funny about race. Fighting against racial stereotypes is unfair and exhausting, but unfortunately this is the reality many people are forced to live with. (种族问题是没有什么好笑的. 与种族成见作斗争不但不公平且令人筋疲力竭, 但不幸的是, 这是许多人被迫忍受的现实)

19. there's nothing I can do about it
定义: 这件事我无能为力; 我无法帮上忙; 我也束手无策.
例句: You can't just bail out on me now, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it. I wish it never came to this. (你现在不能丢下我不管, 但我想我也束手无策. 我真希望事情没有落到这个田地)

20. there's one born every minute
定义: [谚语]天下傻瓜何其多, 每分钟就有一个傻瓜出生.
例句: You really believed he would pay you that money back? There’s one born every minute! (你真的相信他会把钱还给你吗? 天下傻瓜真多!)



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