二十笔实用成语 1124

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二十笔实用成语 1124

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 29, 2022 10:10 pm

二十笔实用成语 1124

01. rough and tumble
定义: 混乱, 喧哗.
例句: The kids started getting a bit too rough and tumble when their cousin Jake came over. (当他们的表兄弟杰克过来的时候, 孩子们开始变得兴奋激动, 大声喧哗)

02. tumble across (something), to
定义: 被某物绊倒; 偶然发现了某事或物.
例句: I tumbled across this fantastic little café the other day. (前几天我偶然发现了这家棒得不得了的小餐馆)

03. tumble along, to
定义: 翻滚; 快速前进.
例句: We tumbled along the path to the beach, giggling giddily as we went. (我们沿着通往海滩的小路, 踏着轻快的步伐, 兴奋地向前行, 边走边咯咯地欢笑)

04. tumble down, to
定义: 倒塌, 坠落, 下跌; 从高权位或高排名跌落.
例句: Stock prices have continued tumbling down as the president refuses to rule out a trade war with other nations. (由于总统拒绝排除与其他国家的贸易战, 股价持续下跌)

05. tumble from, to
定义: 坠落, 高处跌下; 从权力, 地位或财富的高位跌落.
例句: The company's stock tumbled from 200 to 175 dollars per share this afternoon following the CEO's resignation. (在其执行总裁辞职后, 该公司股价今天下午从每股200美元跌至175美元)

06. tumble into, to
定义: 绊倒和撞上; 不小心撞上; 闯入, 挤进.
例句: Scores of shoppers came tumbling into the store to avail themselves of the incredible sale. (数十名顾客涌入这家商店, 充分享受令人难以置信的折价促销)

07. tumble on/upon, to
定义: 被绊倒; 偶然发现了某事或物.
例句: We tumbled on a nice restaurant while walking downtown. (我们在市中心散步时偶然发现了一家不错的餐馆)

08. tumble out of, to
定义: 从(某物)溢出, 跌落或一头扎进; 快速地退出或离开; 跌倒, 倾倒或从某物上掉下来.
例句: Don't let the baby tumble out of the chair! (不要让宝宝从椅子上滚下来!)

09. tumble over, to
定义: 从直立位置向某个方向滚动, 俯仰或坠落; 被绊倒; 从边缘或侧面坠落.
例句: Tom lost his footing and tumbled over the edge of the roof. (汤姆一个没站好, 从屋顶边跌下来)

10. turn a deaf ear, to
定义: 充耳不闻, 拒绝听别人辩解, 意见, 求助.
例句: She repeatedly complained to her employers but they turned a deaf ear. (她一再地向她雇主抱怨, 但他们充耳不闻)

11. turn a profit, to
定义: 获利; 赚钱.
例句: We're going to have to close the shop if we don't turn a profit again this quarter. (如果我们本季度不再盈利的话, 我们将被迫关闭这间店铺)

12. turn a trick, to
定义: [俚语]卖春.
例句: A lot of these girls are addicts who started turning a trick to get drug money. (这些女孩中有很多是吸毒者, 她们开始借着出卖肉体来赚取买毒品的钱)

13. turn about, to
定义: 旋转; 围绕; 以牙还牙; 调转相反方向; 反覆思考.
例句: If you start rumors about other people, they'll eventually do the same thing to you. Turn about is fair play, after all. (如果你开始造谣别人, 他们最终也会对你做同样的事情. 毕竟, 以牙还牙是公平的)

14. turn against, to
定义: 反抗, 反叛或敌视; 造成或促成某人反抗, 反叛或敌视.
例句: They turned my family against me. (他们唆使我的家人跟我作对)

15. turn an honest penny, to
定义: 童叟无欺或诚实地赚钱为生.
例句: You're 40 years old now. You need to get a job and start turning an honest penny. (你都四十岁了. 你该找到一份工作, 开始老老实实地赚钱过日子)

16. turn and turn about, to
定义: 依次互相轮流.
例句: Each competitor in the tournament will face four opponents, turn and turn about. (比赛中的每位参赛者将面对四个对手, 依次互相轮流地竞赛)

17. turn around and ..., to
定义: 突然做出令人意想不到的动作. (注: 紧接着and之后的动词才是主动词)
例句: Everyone turned around and stared when I entered the meeting late. (当我迟到进入会议室的时候, 所有人都突然转过来盯着我)

18. turn around one's finger, to
定义: 玩于股掌之间, 完全控制别人, 令人俯首听命.
例句: The spoiled little brat has completely twisted his parents around his little finger. (这个被惯坏了的小家伙已经把他的父母彻底玩于股掌之间)

19. turn around, to
定义: 旋转; 围绕; 转身; 调转相反方向; 转动; 改善, 恢复过来; 扭转颓势; 突然做出令人惊讶的动作; 替下一个人或客户准备好要使用的东西; 交货; 扭曲事实或别人说的话; 令人迷惑, 迷失方向或迷失.
例句: The guy who's resoling my shoes said that he can turn them around in a few days. (帮我更换鞋底的那个人说他几天内就可以交货)

20. turn aside, to
定义: 使转向; 拒绝进入; 拒绝, 不予考虑; 避开, 避免; 改变方向; 转过脸, 撇开.
例句: Unfortunately, we've had to turn a number of applications aside because the applicants did not follow the instructions correctly. (不幸的是, 我们不得不拒绝一些申请, 因为申请人没有正确地按照说明填写申请表)



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