二十笔实用成语 1204
01. Wow!
定义: [惊叹语]哇! (注: 意指表达欢愉或惊喜心情)
例句: Wow! I can see every star in the universe tonight. (哇! 今晚我可以看到宇宙中的每一颗星星)
02. wow! that's cool.
定义: 哇! 那很酷.
例句: "I just booked a flight to Chengdu!" "Wow, that's so cool! Are you going to arrive at Chengdu Tianfu International Airport?" ("我刚刚订了一张去成都的机票!" "哇, 太酷了! 你会抵达成都天府国际机场吗?")
03. Wow, I feel much better now.
[成语句型]哇! 我现在感觉好多了.
04. wrap it up, to
定义: 说道重点; 安静下来, 别说话; 做完, 结束或终结某事.
例句: OK, everyone, let's wrap it up for tonight. (好了, 大家, 今晚我们就到此为止吧)
05. wrap one's mind around, to
定义: 弄清楚, 了解.
例句: I just couldn't wrap my mind around what had happened. (我真搞不清楚发生了什么事)
06. wrap someone up in cotton wool, to
定义: 过份保护或宠爱某人使其不能独立自主.
例句: If you keep your children wrapped up in cotton wool, they'll never learn to be independent. (如果你过度保护你的孩子, 他们永远也学不会独立生活)
07. wrap up, to
定义: 成功地结束或解决; 总结, 结论; 简短扼要地讲述; 安静下来, 别出声; 戴上保险套; 做完, 结束或终结某事.
例句: We're running short on time, so I'm afraid we'll have to start wrapping it up. (我们时间不多了, 我们恐怕得开始简短扼要地长话短说)
08. wrap oneself in the flag, to
定义: 假装爱国, 披着爱国的外衣, 其实动机不单纯.
例句: He has refused to respond to the valid criticisms of this war. Instead, he just warps himself in the flag and talks about "national security." (他拒绝回应对这场战争的合理批评. 相反的是, 他只是披着爱国的外衣, 在那儿高谈阔论所谓的"国家安全.")
09. wrapped around someone's finger, be
定义: 对某人言听计从; 被某人玩弄于股掌之中.
例句: The spoiled little brat has his parents completely wrapped around his little finger. (这个被宠坏的小屁孩把他的父母玩弄于股掌之中)
10. wrapped up in, be
定义: 被包裹, 被包装; 专心于, 沉思于.
例句: Don't bother trying to have a conversation with him right now, he's totally wrapped up in one of his video games. (你现在别想跟他说上话, 他完全沉迷在他的一个电子游戏里)
11. wreak havoc, to
定义: 造成巨大损害, 混乱或破坏.
例句: A series of storms have wreaked havoc in California over the past three weeks. Flooding, mudslides, and downed power lines are just a few of the challenges the state is facing. (过去三周, 一连串暴风雨已经在加州造成巨大的损害. 洪水, 泥石流和倒塌的电线只是该州所面临的部分艰巨难题罢了)
12. gut-wrenching decision, a
定义: 痛苦的决定.
例句: Because I love her so much, I made the gut-wrenching decision to put her down. (由于我太爱她了, 我做了一个痛苦的决定, 让她安乐死. 注: 意指这只宠物的主人曾受到心理的煎熬但最终做出了让其宠物安乐死以减少痛苦的决定)
13. wrestle with ..., to
定义: 与...扭斗, 争斗, 格斗; 试图移动笨重的物件; 为...在内心挣扎.
例句: He's clearly wrestling with his past and trying to make amends for the things he's done. (他显然为自己的过去所作所为感到愧疚, 并且试图为过去的过错做出补偿)
14. wriggle out of ..., to
定义: 金蝉脱壳, 用诡计脱身, 赖帐或逃避责任.
例句: He always tries to wriggle out of doing the dishes each night, claiming he has some project or another he has to work on for school. (他每天晚上总是想办法逃避洗碗的家务, 总是声称他有学校的作业要做)
15. wring someone's neck
定义: 威胁要掐死某人; 对某人非常愤怒. (注: 这句成语主要是用在愤怒之下对某人所说的威胁话语)
例句: I'll wring your neck the next time you talk to me like that, you hear me? (下次你再这样地对我说话, 我会拧断你的脖子, 你听到了吗?)
16. wring your hands, to
定义: 干着急, 束手无策.
例句: It's no use just wringing our hands. We must do something. (干着急是没有用的. 我们必须做点实事)
17. wringing wet
定义: 浑身湿透, 湿漉漉, 湿答答.
例句: Mom's wringing wet because she got caught in that storm while she was out taking a walk. (妈妈弄得浑身湿透, 因为她在外出散步时碰上了那场暴风雨)
18. wrinkle one's nose in disgust, to
定义: 皱起鼻子表示反感, 厌恶或恶心.
例句: As the smell of garbage drifted through the air, she wrinkled her nose in disgust. (垃圾的味道在空气中飘荡, 她厌恶地皱起鼻子)
19. writ large
定义: 清晰明朗, 显著的; 大规模的, 大幅度的.
例句: His nervousness was writ large on his face. (他的紧张情绪在他脸上表露无遗)
20. write back, to
定义: 写回信.
例句: I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write back, but work has been incredibly busy lately. (抱歉拖了这么久才回信, 最近工作实在太忙了)
二十笔实用成语 1204
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