二十笔实用成语 1208

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二十笔实用成语 1208

帖子 royl » 周二 6月 13, 2023 12:42 am

二十笔实用成语 1208

01. yin and yang
定义: 阴阳和谐, 阴阳平衡. (注: 根据中国传统学说, 宇宙间所有事物皆有阴阳两个属性, 两者蕴含相互依靠, 相互制约, 相互转化的关系)
例句: This is why you should combine both and spread out your yin and yang activities throughout the week. (这就是为什么你应该把这两者结合起来, 将两种性质不同的活动平衡和谐地安排进这整个星期之内)
阴阳和谐, 阴阳平衡

02. yippee!
定义: [惊叹语]表达兴奋, 愉快, 庆祝胜利或成功的欢乐.
例句: "Hey, kids, we're going to Lake Whitney this summer!" "Yippee!" ("嘿, 孩子们, 我们今年夏天要去惠特尼湖去玩!" "好啊!")

03. yo!
定义: [俚语]打招呼, 要人注意, 呼唤人.
例句: "Yo, how you doing, Sam?" "Hey, Tony, I'm good, man. How you been?" ("哟, 你好吗, 山姆?" "嘿, 通尼, 我很好, 兄弟. 你还好吗?")

04. you (just) can't make this stuff up
定义: 谈到离奇, 超现实或难以置信的情况; 这事可不是瞎编的. 这事儿可是千真万确的.
例句: A piece of metal that had embedded itself in the patient's abdomen from the accident actually deflected the bullet away from his vital organs. You can't make this stuff up! (这场事故中嵌在病人腹部内的一片金属居然挡开子弹使其偏离了他的重要器官. 这件事真是令人难以置信)

05. you ain't seen nothing yet
定义: 你还没见证到真正的场面; 这不算什么. (注: ain't就是haven't; 本句意指你还没看到某人大发雷霆的场面或某活动的盛大状况)
例句: "Wow, there is so much going on in this city all at once!" "Just wait, darling, you ain't seen nothing yet. It only really comes alive at night!" ("哇, 这个城市一下子就突然变得这么热闹!" "别着急, 亲爱的, 这还不算什么. 它只有在晚上才会真正出现万头钻动, 人潮汹涌的热闹景象!")

06. you and yours
定义: 你及你的太太或家人.
例句: We're wishing nothing but happiness and good fortune to you and yours this holiday season. (在此假日期间, 我们祝愿你和你的家人幸福如意)

07. You are a winner in my book.

08. you are asking for it
定义: 这是你自找的; 你自讨苦吃.
例句: She's really asking for it, the way she comes in late every day. (看她每天迟到的样子, 她真的是没事找事)

09. you are expecting too much
定义: 你期望太高; 你要求太多.
例句: I don't know if she's expecting too much of me, but I can only do so much. (我不知道她是否对我期望过高, 但我只能做这么多)

10. you are here just in time
定义: 你来得正是时候.
例句: We have a long list of important things to be done before the opening of the Exhibition, and you are here just in time to help. (在展览会开幕之前, 我们有一大堆重要事情要做, 你来得正是时候, 可以帮我忙)

11. you are history
定义: 你完蛋了. (注: 例如被炒鱿鱼, 没希望了)
例句: If you fail to do your homework, you're history. (如果你不做你功课的话, 你就完蛋了)

12. You are not allowed to speak.

13. you are not alone
定义: 你不再孤独了; 这事情不只发生在你身上.
例句: You are not alone here. We'll stay with you every step of the way. (你不再孤单了. 我们会一路陪伴着你的)

14. you are not one of us
定义: 你不是我们的人.
例句: You will never understand this joke if you are not one of us. (如果你不是我们圈内人, 你绝对听不懂这个笑话. 注: 意指这是圈内人笑话, 是圈外人无法理解的)

15. you are not quite there yet
定义: 这事你还没做完.
例句: You are trying to quit smoking, but you are not quite there yet. Some days you do well, while other days the craving to reach for a cigarette is overwhelming. (你正在尝试戒烟, 但你还没有完全戒掉. 有些日子你做得很顺利, 而有一些日子你却极度渴望伸手拿一支香烟来解瘾)

16. you are not that different
定义: 你并没有什么不一样.
例句: You know, I used to be a bit homophobic, but after meeting you, I guess you are not that different from us after all. (你知道吗, 我以前有点憎恶同性恋者, 但见到你之后, 我觉得你和我们之间基本上并没有什么不同)

17. you are not that good
定义: 你还没那么厉害.
例句: Sorry, you're good, but you're not that good. You just happen to be the product of good connections and good fortune. (抱歉, 你虽然厉害, 但你还没那么厉害. 你只是碰巧受到良好人脉和及时的运气的帮助而已. 注: 意指此人的成功还是有受益于侥幸的客观条件, 并不是全凭其过硬的真本领所取得的)

18. you are not the only one
定义: 不止你一个人.
例句: You're not the only one who's had enough with her lies and fake expressions. (不止你一个人受够了她的谎言和虚情假意)

19. you are not worthy of
定义: 你不配.
例句: I don't care if you are a prince or not, but if you don't treat me as an equal then you're not worthy of my respect either. (我不在乎你是不是皇族贵胄, 但如果你不把我当人看, 那你也不配我的尊重)

20. you are OK
定义: 你是个好人.
例句: Most people think you're a jerk, but you're OK. (虽然大多数人认为你是个混蛋, 但我认为你是个好人)



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