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帖子 royl » 周一 5月 10, 2010 1:58 pm


许多人可能不知道光在美国大约平均每天要损失掉一百万美元于尼日利亚预付费用的骗局(Nigerian Advanced Fee Scams)上. 有些人认为只有脑筋不清醒的美国老先生, 老太太才会上这种洋当. 其实, 这种诈骗集团所针对的对象是中年从商男性或专业男士. 恶名昭彰的Nigerian Letter(尼日利亚诈骗信), 也称419 fraud (419诈欺), Nigerian scam(尼日利亚诈骗), Nigerian bank scam(尼日利亚银行骗局), Nigerian money offer(尼日利亚金钱提供). 这些骗局基本上是诈骗者告知受害者他们找到一大笔钱财, 需要受害者协助, 如果取得这笔款项将分与受害者共享. 别看这种too good to be true, 说得天花乱坠, 不像似真的谎言, 因为他们发信给许多人, 所以张三不上当, 李四不相信, 王五不理睬, 总有几个受害者会上钩. 骗子最喜欢讲一句话: There's one born every minute, 每分钟就有一个出生, 您知道是一个什么样的人出生吗? 就是他们口中的傻瓜! 所以网友们最好要谨慎: 多看, 多听, 多问.

下面我展示出几封诈骗信函并附上我的翻译给网友观赏, 让大家看看这些骗徒的英文语能力—既可恨, 又可笑.

Lagos, Nigeria. 拉各斯, 尼日利亚
Attention: The President/CEO 收件人: 某公司总裁

Dear Sir, 亲爱的先生,

Confidential Business Proposal 机密商业提案

Having consulted with my colleagues and based on the information gathered from the Nigerian Chambers Of Commerce And Industry,
I have the privilege to request your assistance to transfer the sum of $47,500,000.00 (forty seven million, five hundred thousand United States dollars) into your accounts. The above sum resulted from an over-invoiced contract, executed, commissioned and paid for about five years (5) ago by a foreign contractor. This action was however intentional and since then the fund has been in a suspense account at The Central Bank Of Nigeria Apex Bank.
经过跟我的同事商量之后, 基于从尼日利亚工商会所收集的资料, 我有这个荣幸要求您的协助, 将四千七百五十万美元转到您的银行户头. 上述款项是由于五年前被一外国承包商所承包的一个被授权与付清的超收费用合同. 这个行动当初可是有意图的, 这笔款项自那时起被置放在尼日利亚中央银行冻结帐户里.

We are now ready to transfer the fund overseas and that is where you come in. It is important to inform you that as civil servants, we are forbidden to operate a foreign account; that is why we require your assistance. The total sum will be shared as follows: 70% for us, 25% for you and 5% for local and international expenses incidental to the transfer.
我们现在准备要将这笔款项转到海外, 这就是您要配合做的事情. 作为公仆, 我必须通知您, 我们是不准许操作外国银行帐户; 这就是为什么我们需要您的协助. 总款项是这样分配的: 百分之七十归我们, 百分之二十五归您, 百分之五是支付本地及国际转帐费用.

The transfer is risk free on both sides. I am an accountant with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). If you find this proposal acceptable, we shall require the following documents:
对双方来说, 转帐是毫无风险的. 我是一个尼日利亚国家石油公司的会计人员. 如果您觉得这个提案可以接受, 我们需要下列的文件:

(a) your banker's name, telephone, account and fax numbers.
您的银行经理名称, 电话号码, 帐户号码, 传真号码.

(b) your private telephone and fax numbers —for confidentiality and easy communication.
您的私人电话号码, 私人传真号码–为了机密与方便通联.

(c) your letter-headed paper stamped and signed.
您盖好印章以及署名的印有抬头信纸. (译者按: 仰天长叹, 胆大包天啊!)

Alternatively we will furnish you with the text of what to type into your letter-headed paper, along with a breakdown explaining, comprehensively what we require of you. The business will take us thirty (30) working days to accomplish.
如果您想要有另外选择的话(假如您不愿意供应c项资料的话), 我们会供应您写入印有抬头信纸的文字, 并附上我们所要求的全面性分类解释. 这笔交易将需要三十个工作天来完成.

Please reply urgently.
请尽快回覆. (译者按: 贼胆不小!)

Best regards

Howgul Abul Arhu

FROM: Dr Altaka Yurmani 发自: Altaka Yurmani博士 (译者按: 博士? Why not!)
Central Bank of Nigeria 尼日利亚中央银行
Lagos, Nigeria拉各斯, 尼日利亚

TO: CEO收件人: 某公司总裁
Everytown, USA

Dear Sir: 亲爱的先生:

I have been requested by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company to contact you for assistance in resolving a matter. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company has recently concluded a large number of contracts for oil exploration in the sub-Sahara region. The contracts have immediately produced moneys equaling US$40,000,000. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company is desirous of oil exploration in other parts of the world, however, because of certain regulations of the Nigerian Government, it is unable to move these funds to another region.
本人在尼日利亚国家石油公司要求下跟您联络并请求协助解决一项事务. 尼日利亚国家石油公司最近结束大量的撒哈拉以南地区石油探勘合同. 这些合同马上带来美金四千万的财富. 尼国石油公司渴望在世界其他地区探勘石油, 但是, 由于一些尼日利亚政府规定, 我们无法将这些资金移往另一地区.

You assistance is requested as a non-Nigerian citizen to assist the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, and also the Central Bank of Nigeria, in moving these funds out of Nigeria. If the funds can be transferred to your name, in your United States account, then you can forward the funds as directed by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company. In exchange for your accommodating services, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company would agree to allow you to retain 10%, or US$4 million of this amount.
我们要求以您的非尼国公民身份来协助尼国石油公司, 以及尼国中央银行将这些资金移出尼日利亚. 如果这些资金可以移转到您的名下, 在您的美国帐户下, 您就可以把资金转回到尼国石油公司所指定的地点. 为了报答您的通融服务, 尼国石油公司同意您保留百分之十的资金, 也就是四百万美元作为您的酬劳.

However, to be a legitimate transferee of these moneys according to Nigerian law, you must presently be a depositor of at least US$100,000 in a Nigerian bank which is regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria.
但是, 依照尼日利亚法律, 要成为这些资金合法的承让人, 您必须目前成为一家由尼国中央银行管制的尼国银行起码十万美元的银行储户.

If it will be possible for you to assist us, we would be most grateful. We suggest that you meet with us in person in Lagos, and that during your visit I introduce you to the representatives of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, as well as with certain officials of the Central Bank of Nigeria.
如果您认为这个协助是可行的话, 我们将极为感激. 我们建议您与我们在拉各斯见面, 在您的访问行程中, 我会把尼国石油公司代表以及一些尼国中央银行官员跟您介绍.

Please call me at your earliest convenience at 18-467-4975. Time is of the essence in this matter; very quickly the Nigerian Government will realize that the Central Bank is maintaining this amount on deposit, and attempt to levy certain depository taxes on it .
请您尽快打电话到18-467-4975. 时间是关键; 尼国政府将会很快地发现到中央银行保有的这笔存入款项, 他们会试图征收储存税.

Yours truly,

Prince Alyusi Islassis (译者按: 王子? Why not!)

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 严加保密 (译者按: Yeah, right, whatever…)

Dear Sir, 亲爱的先生,

Request For Urgent Business Relationship

We have the pleasure to make this surprising but mutually benefiting business proposal. I am a member of the newly inaugurated committee for the privatization of the refineries of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, in Nigeria. The members of the committee are interested in the importation of goods into the country with funds presently floating in the Central Bank of Nigeria / Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) foreign payments account. I got your address through the office of the Nigerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
我们很荣幸提出惊人的, 互惠的提议. 我是新成立的致力于尼国石油公司炼油厂私有化委员会的一位成员. 委员会成员们有兴趣以尼国中央银行/尼国石油公司国外付款帐户的浮动资金用来进口货物. 我经由尼日利亚工商会取得您的地址.

The federal military government of Nigeria, intends to lease the three existing petroleum refineries to private individuals and companies. This is to make the refineries more viable, resourceful and to eliminate undue wastage and fraud. This privatization is in-line with the recommendations of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a prerequisite for future financial assistance.
尼日利亚联邦军事政府有意要租用三个现有炼油厂给私人以及私营公司. 这是为了使炼油厂更加活力充沛, 更能利用资源, 以及更能扫除不必要浪费与诈欺(译者按: 作贼的喊捉贼!). 这个私有化行动正符合世界银行与国际货币基金组织未来财务协助的建议.

The refineries are heavily indebted to many companies and my committee has the mandate (task) of compiling the names of these companies and debt owed them and also recommend for payment, all contracts that have been fully executed. With our position in the committee, which comprises of my ministry, federal ministry of petroleum resources, Nigerian National Petroleum corporation (NNPC), the federal Ministry of Finance (FMF) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), we have successfully secured for ourselves, the sum of US $73,000,000 ( seventy-three million United States Dollars). This sum was acquired by carefully inflating the amount of indebtedness by this amount (US $73,000,000). We need a reliable company to be included in the list of companies to be paid. This company will be paid for a contract executed in Kaduna Refinery in 1993.
这些炼油厂都背负着重债, 欠了许多公司钱, 我的委员会已经被授命去汇编这些公司名单, 积欠的债务以及推荐付款, 并履行所有的合同. 有了我们在委员会的地位, 包括我的部会, 联邦石油资源部, 尼国石油公司, 联邦财政部, 以及尼国中央银行, 我们已经成功地掌握着美元七千三百万的资金. 这笔钱是经由谨慎地夸大债务所取得的. 我们需要一个可信赖的公司被列入清偿债务的公司名单内. 这家公司将会于1993年藉由履行Kaduna炼油厂一个合同被付款.

I was therefore mandated in trust by members of the committee, to seek a foreign partner into whose account we could transfer the sum of US $73,000,000, hence I am writing you this letter. We have agreed to share the funds thus:
我因此被其他委员会成员所托付授权来寻找一个国外伙伴, 将这笔美元七千三百万的资金转入国外帐户, 才写这封信给您. 我们并同意把这笔资金如下分配:

1) 70% for us (the committee members)

2) 20% for you (the account owner)

3) 10% will be used in settling taxation and all local and foreign expenses that will be incurred in the course of this transaction

It is from our 70% that we wish to commence the importation business. We also need assurance from you that you will let us have our share once the inflated amount (US $73,000,000.00) is transferred into your account.
有了百分之七十的资金, 我们才可希望开始进口业务. 我们需要您的保证一定会把属于我们的金额转入我们的帐户里.

The payment will be done by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) through its correspondent bank. What we need from you, is that you provide a vital account into which the funds will be transferred/lodged.
资金款项将由尼国中央银行的代理银行交付. 我们所需您的是: 提供一个重要的银行帐户如此可以把资金转入或暂留.

Note that this transaction is 100% safe and guaranteed since the law under which our committee was set up, has empowered us to disburse all the funds.
请注意, 这笔交易是百分百地安全, 有保障的因为我们委员会在法律上有权处理所有的资金.

We shall commence the transfer of the funds immediately we receive the following information by Tel/Fax:

1) Your company name and full address.

2) Your bank's name, telephone and fax number.
您的银行名称, 电话号码, 以及传真号码.

3) Your account number and name of would be beneficiary.

The above information will enable us put up letters of claim and job description to the respective ministries for the issuance of the mandatory fund release approval/recommendations. This way, your company will be recognized and accepted as the beneficiary of the contract entitlements before the final remittance to your nominated account, by the Central Bank of Nigeria, being the paying bank.
有了上述的资料将会使我们可以提供索赔信函以及工作职责说明给部会, 然后发出授权资金释出的许可或建议. 这样, 贵公司将会在尼国中央银行发出最终汇款到您的指定帐户之前被认可与接受为合同的有权受益人

Note that we will be responsible for the payment of the federal inland revenue tax on behalf of your company and a contract agreement between your company and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation shall be drawn up and antedated showing that your company has a legitimate contract with the NNPC and must be paid.
请注意, 我们将负责代表贵公司支付联邦国内所得税, 将日期推前并写好贵公司与尼国石油公司的合同协议, 它将显示出贵公司具有与尼国石油公司签署好的合法合同与付款保障.

We are looking forward to doing this business with you and solicit absolute confidentiality from you in this transaction. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter, using the above Telefax number for more details regarding this transaction. Also endeavor to send the requested information.
我们盼望与您做成这笔生意, 并取得您的绝对信心. 请您告知收到这封信函, 使用以上传真号码询问更多有关本交易细节. 请尽快送出所要求的资料.

Get Me Out of Here 救我离开这个地方 (译者按: 你这个骗徒要是真离开这个地方你就倒霉啦!)

Col. Yusef Saraki in Nigeria sends you a fax claiming that the Nigerian government was just overturned. He is presently under house arrest and his assets have been frozen by the new regime. He needs to transfer a total sum of US$60M to an offshore non-resident bank account.
Yusef Saraki上校送给您一份传真: 声称尼日利亚政府刚被推翻. 他目前被软禁, 他的财产被新政权冻结. 他需要把总数为美金六千万资金转移给海外的非居民.

In order for him to do so he needs you to sign a document as "next to kin" and pay $200 a day to ensure his safety until the funds can be wire-transferred to your account. To avoid any interruption he needs a "small " advancement fee (approximately 30 days worth) until the wire transfer is completed.
为了使他达成目标, 他需要您签署一份"近亲"的文件并付出一天两百美元来保证他的安全直到这笔资金能够被电汇到您的帐户里. 为了避免任何的干扰, 他需要一笔小额的预支费用(大约三十天的保证金)直到电汇完成.

He claims that upon completion of the wire transfer to you, he will somehow find a way to escape Nigeria and move to Korea with his family, at which time you will be entitled to 10%, or $6 million, for your troubles. He insists that as this is a life or death matter the entire transaction must be completed within two weeks. And heaven forbid he should be killed, leaving you with all the money. He provides you with a fax copy of the Bilateral Agreement between himself and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation in Johannesburg, South Africa and some other qualifying affidavits.
他声称直到电汇转帐给您完成之前, 他必须以某种方式找出一个逃离尼国的办法并全家移居韩国; 到此时, 您将会有权得到百分之十的资金, 或六百万美元, 作为麻烦您的酬谢. 他坚持这是个生死攸关大事, 这笔交易必须要在两个星期内完成. 但愿不会发生, 如果他被杀死的话, 他将会把全部财富留给您.他将提供给您一份他跟南非约翰内斯堡的"证券投资保护公司"所签署的双方协定传真副本以及其他合格的宣誓证明文件.

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