Life's Little Instructions (生活小指示)

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Life's Little Instructions (生活小指示)

帖子 royl » 周三 6月 02, 2010 12:36 am

Life's Little Instructions (生活小指示)

About the author: Mr. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. is an American author best-known for his book Life's Little Instruction Book which was a New York Times bestseller.
Before becoming famous as a writer, Mr. Brown acted as a creative director of an advertising agency in Nashville, Tennessee. It was simple words of wisdom gathered from other people and his own experiences that made him a best-selling author.

01. Sing in the shower. (冲澡时唱歌—保持轻松心情)
02. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated. (你敬人一尺, 人还你一丈)
03. Watch a sunrise at least once a year. (一年起码看一次日出)
04. Leave the toilet seat in the down position. (上完厕所把马桶座放下—疼爱妻子, 给她一点方便)
05. Never refuse homemade brownies. (永不拒绝别人亲手做的布朗尼—尊重别人厨艺)
06. Strive for excellence, not perfection. (追求卓越, 不是完美)
07. Plant a tree on your birthday. (植树庆生日)
08. Learn 3 clean jokes. (学三个谑而不虐笑话)
09. Return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank full. (加满汽油后再还人家车子—滴水之恩当涌泉相报)
10. Compliment 3 people every day. (每天不忘称赞三人—常为人打气)
11. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them. (从不浪费一次机会告诉某人你爱他—尤其对妻子与儿女)
译者注: them在此是不确定第三人称单数而不是复数.
12. Leave everything a little better than you found it. (把经手过的物品变为更加良善)
13. Keep it simple. (化繁为简—令人容易了解)
14. Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures. (敢想大事但也享受小乐趣)
15. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. (让自己成为最正面以及满腔热情的人)
16. Floss your teeth. (拿牙线清理牙齿)
17. Ask for a raise when you think you've earned it. (当你认为这是你应得的报酬时跟老板要求加薪)
18. Overtip breakfast waitresses. (早餐后多给女服务员一点小费)
译者注: 因为小费大约是餐价的一成五而早餐比较中餐便宜, 所以作者鼓励多给一点, 让女服务员收入多一些.
19. Be forgiving of yourself and others. (对自己或他人宽容)
20. Say, "Thank you" a lot. (多说"谢谢你")
21. Say, "Please" a lot. (多说"请")
22. Avoid negative people. (避免跟消极者打交道)
23. Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards. (尽量购买小朋友在前院纸桌上所卖的东西—多资助需要钱的小朋友)
24. Wear polished shoes. (出门穿擦亮皮鞋—给人良好形象)
25. Remember other people's birthdays. (记得别人的生日)
26. Commit yourself to constant improvement. (持续地致力于自我改进—天行健, 君子以自强不息)
27. Carry jumper cables in your truck. (卡车自备跨车充电电缆—一则有备无患, 二则可以随时帮助别人启动引擎)
28. Have a firm handshake. (跟别人握手时紧握对方手—表现诚意)
29. Send lots of Valentine cards. (寄出许多情人节卡片)
30. Sign them, "Someone who thinks you're terrific." (以此句话"有人认为你好棒"来签名)
31. Look people in the eye. (说话时注视对方眼睛—以示诚意)
32. Be the first to say hello. (比对方先打招呼—主动表达友善)
33. Use the good silver. (请客吃饭时使用好的餐具—尊重客人)
34. Return all things you borrow. (把向人借的东西都归还—有借有还, 再借不难)
35. Make new friends, but cherish the old ones. (结交新友, 但珍惜旧友)
36. Keep a few secrets. (保留一些秘密—有些秘密还是保留好一些)
37. Sing in a choir. (跟大家合唱—以示和谐意愿)
38. Plant flowers every spring. (每年春季种花—我的美国邻居就是如此做, 大概是创造令人赏心悦目的环境吧)
39. Have a dog. (养只狗—这大概是西方人比较信任有宠物的主人)
40. Always accept an outstretched hand. (永不拒绝别人伸出的友谊之手—伸手不打笑脸人)
41. Stop blaming others. (别归咎他人—勇于担当过错)
42. Take responsibility for every area of your life. (为自己生命每个部分负责—掌握自己命运)
43. Wave at kids on school buses. (跟校车上的小朋友打招呼)
译者注: 许多美国人如此做, 更不解的是当我注视从家门口开过的驾驶人也都跟我打招呼.
44. Be there when people need you. (别人需要你时你要去陪伴他—不离弃需要你的人)
45. Feed a stranger's expired parking meter. (见到陌生人的停车收费表过时就替他添加一些零钱让他多停一段时间—默默行善)
46. Don't expect life to be fair. (别指望人生是公平的)
47. Never underestimate the power of love. (永不低估爱的力量)
48. Drink champagne for no reason at all. (畅饮香槟酒不为任何理由—庆祝不需要理由)
49. Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation. (活着有如惊叹号而不是问号—让生命多彩多姿而不是一片迷茫)
50. Don't be afraid to say, "I made a mistake." (别害怕说"我犯了一个错误."—勇于认错)
51. Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know." (别害怕说"我不知道."—知之为知之, 不知为不知, 是知也)
52. Compliment even small improvements. (别人虽有寸进仍不吝赞扬—不时地予人鼓励)
53. Keep your promises no matter what. (无论怎样都要信守承诺—人无信则不立)
54. Marry for love. (为爱才结婚)
55. Rekindle old friendships. (重新点燃旧友情)
56. Count your blessings. (经常数算上天所赐恩典—知足常乐)
57. Call your mother. (打电话给母亲—出外游子不要忘记在家中挂念你的母亲)

by H. Jackson Brown Jr.



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