二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 33

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二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 33

帖子 royl » 周六 9月 11, 2010 1:00 am

二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 33

Fill-in-the-blanks Instructions: Select the word listed on the bottom which best fills in each blank.
请选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一个空格内(二十道题目, 二十个选择, 每一选择只许使用一次).

01. _______: to drop (something) from a moving ship, airplane, etc.; to get rid of (something), to reject (something, such as a plan or idea).
02. _______: uncertain or risky.
03. _______: a word that is spelled and pronounced like another word but is different in meaning.
04. _______: most sacred or holy; treated as if holy, immune from criticism or violation.
05. _______: great happiness; something that is pleasing and well chosen; a talent for speaking or writing in a very effective way.
06. _______: a right or privilege especially a special right or privilege that some people have.
07. _______: flog, whip; to punish severely; afflict; to drive as if by blows of a whip; chastise.
08. _______: to gain favor or approval for (yourself) by doing or saying things that people like.
09. _______: to arouse to sharp but transitory annoyance or anger; irritate.
10. _______: being in a state of distension, swollen, tumid; excessively embellished in style or language.
11. _______: to speak or write about something in a way that includes a lot of details or uses many words.
12. _______: tending to bother people by appearing where you are not welcome or invited; noticeable in an unpleasant or annoying way.
13. _______: a person who leaves one group, religion, etc., and joins another that opposes it; someone or something that causes trouble and cannot be controlled.
14. _______: to make (someone) very afraid; to slowly change (something, such as wood) into stone or a substance like stone over a very long period of time.
15. _______: composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment, impromptu.
16. _______: extravagantly romantic or idealistic; highly impractical.
17. _______: equal to something in value, meaning, or effect.
18. _______: to say (something that someone else has said or written) using different words.
19. _______: to twist into coils or folds; to twist so as to distort, wrench; to twist (the body or a bodily part) in pain.
20. _______: terrifyingly horrible to the senses; intensely unpleasant, disagreeable, or objectionable; resembling a ghost.

(expatiate, extemporaneous, felicity, ghastly, homonym, ingratiate, jettison, nettle, obtrusive, paraphrase, petrify, precarious, prerogative, quixotic, renegade, sacrosanct, scourge, tantamount, turgid, writhe)

帖子: 1773
注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

Re: 二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 33

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 12, 2010 12:17 am


请网友注意, 你只能选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一空格(而且每个单字只能使用一次). 这次我把一些比较难的托福单字拿出来考网友. 如果您能够答对十题以上, 我恭喜您的优越单字程度.

01. jettison: to drop (something) from a moving ship, airplane, etc.; to get rid of (something), to reject (something, such as a plan or idea).
解说: (从行进的船或飞机上)抛出; 抛弃; 拒绝.

02. precarious: uncertain or risky.
解说: 不稳的, 不确定的; 不保险的, 危险的.

03. homonym: a word that is spelled and pronounced like another word but is different in meaning.
解说: 拼字, 拼音相似但不同义的单字.

04. sacrosanct: most sacred or holy; treated as if holy, immune from criticism or violation.
解说: 极其神圣的, 不可侵犯的, 不可批评的.

05. felicity: great happiness; something that is pleasing and well chosen; a talent for speaking or writing in a very effective way.
解说: 幸福, 十分快乐; 妥帖, 贴切, 恰当, 得体尤指讲话或文章中的精彩之处, 措辞恰当.

06. prerogative: a right or privilege especially a special right or privilege that some people have.
解说: 权利, 特权(特别是有些人拥有的).

07. scourge: flog, whip; to punish severely; afflict; to drive as if by blows of a whip; chastise.
解说: 鞭打, 折磨, 严厉惩罚.

08. ingratiate: to gain favor or approval for (yourself) by doing or saying things that people like.
解说: 讨好, 谄媚.

09. nettle: to arouse to sharp but transitory annoyance or anger; irritate.
解说: 惹怒, 激怒; 烦扰.

10. turgid: being in a state of distension, swollen, tumid; excessively embellished in style or language.
解说: 肿胀的; (文笔上)浮华的, 过份修饰的.

11. expatiate: to speak or write about something in a way that includes a lot of details or uses many words.
解说: 详述, 细说.

12. obtrusive: tending to bother people by appearing where you are not welcome or invited; noticeable in an unpleasant or annoying way.
解说:冒失的, 莽撞的, 强加于人的; (难看得)刺眼的.

13. renegade: a person who leaves one group, religion, etc., and joins another that opposes it; someone or something that causes trouble and cannot be controlled.
解说: 叛徒, 变节者, 叛教者.

14. petrify: to make (someone) very afraid; to slowly change (something, such as wood) into stone or a substance like stone over a very long period of time.
解说: 使吓呆, 使惊呆; (使)成为石化.

15. extemporaneous: composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment, impromptu.
解说: 即兴的, 临场的, 无事先准备的.

16. quixotic: extravagantly romantic or idealistic; highly impractical.
解说: 过于理想的, 浪漫的, 不切实际的.

17. tantamount: equal to something in value, meaning, or effect.
解说: 等于, 相同.

18. paraphrase: to say (something that someone else has said or written) using different words.
解说: 意译, 改写, 以不同的话语来表达这句话的意思; 以自己的话来重述这句话.

19. writhe: to twist into coils or folds; to twist so as to distort, wrench; to twist (the body or a bodily part) in pain.
解说: 扭动或翻滚(有时因为痛苦而做出的动作).

20. ghastly: terrifyingly horrible to the senses; intensely unpleasant, disagreeable, or objectionable; resembling a ghost.
解说: 可怕的, 令人恐惧的; 令人发指的, 极为令人厌恶的; 苍白的, 像鬼一般的.

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