二十笔实用成语 72

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二十笔实用成语 72

帖子 royl » 周一 3月 21, 2011 10:09 pm

二十笔实用成语 72

01. back burner, the
定义: 并非当前要务, 搁置在一旁, 低优先顺序.
例句: We worked hard on the project at first, but when a new project came along, we put it on the back burner. (在这个项目的初期我们曾努力工作, 但是当另一个新项目出台之后, 我们把这个项目搁置在一旁)

02. back down, to
定义: 屈服, 让步, 放弃原来的立场或承诺.
例句: Jack won't back down from you. He's ready to fight. (杰克不会向你屈服. 他准备要战斗)

03. back from the dead, to come
定义: 从死亡边缘挣扎回来.
例句: After the triple bypass he came back from the dead and now he is living an active life. (做了心脏导管手术之后, 他从死亡边缘挣扎回来; 现在他过着活跃的生活)

04. back home
定义: 在老家, 在家乡.
例句: Southern Sudanese have been steadily trickling back home from their country's northern region ahead of next week's historic election. (南苏丹人已经赶在下星期历史性选举之前从该国北部地区稳定地化整为零地回家)

05. Back in a jiffy.

06. Back in a sec.
[成语句型]马上就回来. (注: a sec即为a second简称)

07. back in harness, be
定义: 回来上班(休长假或请长假之后).
例句: How does it feel to be back in harness after 8 months? (你在八个月之后回来上班感觉如何?)

08. back in the day
定义: 以前, 过去.
例句: Back in the day when AIDS patients had a life expectancy of a year or two, certain companies offered patients with life insurance policies. (还记得以前当爱滋病人平均寿命只有一两年时, 某些公司还提供病人寿险保单)

09. back in the game, be
定义: 又开始活跃.
例句: We want to encourage him to participate as he always did before his diagnosis. What can we tell him and the school to get him back in the game? (我想要鼓励他参与学校活动就像他在诊断之前所做的一样. 我应该如何告诉他和学校让他再开始活跃起来?)

10. back in the groove, be
定义: 回到正常作息; 恢复健康.
例句: How to get back in the groove towards your goals? So many people I have spoken to in the last few days admit that although they are officially back at work, mentally they are still on holiday. ​​(如何朝着你的目标回到正常作息? 过去几天跟我聊天的许多人承认虽然他们正式上班了, 但心理上他们还在度假)

11. back in the olden days
定义: 很久以前, 古时候, 往日时代.
例句: Back in the olden days, the word youth meant a young person waiting to get older. Today the word youth means praying hard that they get older. (在昔日时代, 年青人这个字眼指的是一个等待变老的青少年. 今天年青人这个字眼指的是一个努力祈求自己变老的青少年)

12. back in the saddle
定义: 重操旧业. 做一件你很久没有做的事情.
例句: As a concerned friend, I am not sure if I would recommend that you get back in the saddle again. (作为一个关心你的朋友, 我不确定我会建议你重操旧业)

13. back into something, to
定义: 无意中涉入. (注: 意指碰巧, 没事先计划或不慎地涉入某件事或某个生意)
例句: He backed into the antiques business almost by accident when he sold some old furniture he'd inherited. (当他卖掉他所继承的一些老家具, 他意外地碰巧进入古董生意)

14. back issue, a
定义: 过期的杂志或期刊.
例句: For me, that was the place to buy cheaper books and new and back issue magazines back in the 70s at great prices. (对我来说, 那是一个购买便宜书籍以及低价的新出版杂志和回溯到七零年代过期杂志的好地方)

15. back number, a
定义: 过期的刊物, 过时的人, 事或方法.
例句: Some old back number wearing gaiters wants to have a word with you. (一个穿着传统橡胶靴的过时人物想要跟你说几句话)

16. back of beyond, the
定义: 遥远, 穷乡僻壤, 与世隔绝的地方.
例句: I'll relate this tale of some kids from the back of beyond who demonstrate the true meaning of Christmas. (我会理解这些与世隔绝地方来的小朋友所讲述的故事, 他们展现出圣诞节真实的意义)

17. back of one's hand, to show the
定义: 拒绝, 表示鄙视的态度.
例句: I guess he is not the President of everyone, he is suppose to represent all of us, for you to say he just has to show the back of his hand then I guess you are in favor of dictators. (我估计他不是大家的总统, 他本来应该代表全民, 就因为你说他应该表现出鄙视的态度我想你大概也赞成独裁者)

18. back off, to
定义: 退出, 让步, 放弃原来的立场或承诺.
例句: The deal fell through when investors backed off. (由于投资人退出, 这笔交易没做成)

19. back on one's feet, be
定义: 重新站起来, 回复良好的财务状况, 恢复健康, 东山再起.
例句: He is finally back on his feet after his company went out of business. (自从他公司倒闭后, 他终于又回复良好的财务状况)

20. back on the rails, be
定义: 回到正轨, 回复进展.
例句: If Arizona State was ever going to get back on the rails, now would be the time to do it. (如果亚历桑那州想要再回到正轨, 现在正是时候)



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