二十笔实用成语 92

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二十笔实用成语 92

帖子 royl » 周一 4月 18, 2011 5:33 pm

二十笔实用成语 92

01. beat the rap, to
定义: 逃过指控; 免除起诉.
例句: The police hauled Tom in and charged him with a crime. His lawyer helped him beat the rap. (警方逮捕汤姆, 控告他某个罪行. 他的律师帮他免除起诉)

02. beat the shit out of, to
定义: [不雅语]无情地打击, 揍扁, 揍晕, 大胜.
例句: You have to beat the shit out of him to get an answer. (你跟他要个答案真是难上加难. 注: 如果以字面来翻译, "你必须要把他打个半死才能得到答案"不合逻辑, 我们只能使用象征性意义来翻译. 同样地我们也可以使用, It's like pulling teeth to get an answer out of him)

03. beat the socks off someone, to
定义: 打得某人落花流水.
例句: We like companies that beat the socks off the competition, and we'll let the stock price take care of itself. (我们喜欢一些公司把它们的对手打得落花流水, 再让股价来整理股市)

04. beat the Street, to
定义: 盈余报告超过华尔街及专家的预料.
例句: They beat the Street slightly, which is great. This is the third straight quarter of progress. (他们的盈余报告些微地超过华尔街预测, 这是好事. 这是连续第三季的成长)

05. beat the stuffing out of, to
定义: 无情地打击, 揍扁, 揍晕, 大胜.
例句: At the fiesta, the kids beat the stuffing out of the piñata, and their parents beat the stuffing out of a drunk who walked up and made threats. (在宗教狂欢会上, 小朋友拿棍子猛击内装糖果的纸包, 而他们的父母揍扁了一个走过来恐吓人的醉汉. 注: 用竿子吊起来的纸包被打破后糖果就掉满地)

06. beat the tar out of, to
定义: 无情地打击, 揍扁, 揍晕, 大胜.
例句: He was tired of her knocking the tar out of him when they played checkers. (他厌倦了跟她下棋都被她打得弃甲曳兵)

07. beat the wind, to
定义: 拳打空气, 白费力量, 徒劳无功, 打水漂.
例句: The candidates for office were so much alike that we thought our vote amounted to beating the wind. (这些候选人都一个德性, 我们觉得我们的投票跟打水漂一样)

08. beat time, to
定义: 敲节拍, 打拍子.
例句: "Perhaps not," Alice cautiously replied; "but I know I have to beat time when I learn music." ("也许不是,"爱莉斯谨慎地回答; "但我知道在我学音乐时候我必须要打节拍.")

09. beat to it, to
定义: 捷足先登, 比某人先拿到某物, 反应比别人快.
例句: I was just going to tidy up the kitchen, but you've beaten me to it. (我本来要清理厨房, 但你比我先清理了)

10. beat to the draw, to
定义: 捷足先登, 比某人先拿到某物, 反应比别人快.
例句: The new salesman tried to serve one of my customers, but I beat him to the draw. (这个新来的销售员想要招呼我一个客户, 但我比他快一步)

11. beat to the punch, to
定义: 捷足先登, 比某人先拿到某物, 反应比别人快.
例句: We were working on a new product but our competition beat us to the punch. (我们的竞争对手比我们先一步卖同类的新产品)

12. beat up on, to
定义: 严厉批评; 打的遍体鳞伤.
例句: In their eagerness to beat up on people, they'll even threaten innocent bystanders, who had nothing to do with what happened there. (他们急于要打人, 他们甚至威胁与此事无关的无辜旁观者)

13. beat up, to
定义: 严厉批评; 打的遍体鳞伤.
例句: I'm so used to getting beat up by the critics; I never would have gotten into this if I thought it was contingent on the critics. (我很习惯被批评者严厉批判, 我当初要是在乎这些批评者的话, 我就不会进入这一行)

14. beat your head against a stone wall, to
定义: 以卵击石, 尝试一个不能达成的任务.
例句: Stay with your goal but don't beat your head against a stone wall. Try new approaches. (别偏离你的目标, 但你也不要走老路去以卵击石. 你可以换新方法嘛)

15. beat your time, to
定义: 抢走别人男/女友或妻子/丈夫.
例句: I can't believe that your friend would beat your time. (我真不敢相信你朋友居然会抢走你的女朋友)

16. beat, be
定义: 精疲力尽的, 惶恐不安的.
例句: This week I've caught roughly 3 hours sleep per night and I can't take it anymore. I'm so beat that I can hardly function. (这个礼拜我每晚只睡三个钟头, 我真撑不下去了. 我累得都不能正常工作了)

17. beaten path, a
定义: 众人使用的熟悉路径, 常规, 常例.
例句: In fact, so many decisions in my life we​​re fueled by a desire to get on the beaten path, or prove I was road-worthy enough to travel the beaten path. (事实上, 我生命中许多决定是由渴望走上常规生活所驱动的, 或者我要证明我仍能够在常规路上继续前进)

18. beaten to the pulp, get
定义: 被痛殴; 惨败.
例句: If it was not enough, he was beaten to the pulp by the trigger-happy forces. Dozens of soldiers used abusive language and pounced on him without any rhyme or reason. (好像还不过瘾似的, 他被这些好战的部队打得伤痕累累. 几十个士兵莫名其妙地对他使用粗秽语言和拳打脚踢)

19. beaten track, a
定义: 众人使用的熟悉路径, 常规, 常例.
例句: The bay is not on the beaten track and can only be reached by highway during the dry season. (这个水湾不在我们常去的路上, 我们只能在干旱季节时由公路进去)

20. Beats me!
[成语句型]我也弄不清楚; 我也不知道答案.



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