二十笔实用成语 104

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二十笔实用成语 104

帖子 royl » 周四 5月 26, 2011 8:13 am

二十笔实用成语 104

01. between you and me and the cat's whiskers
定义: 这是你我之间的秘密, 你要守口如瓶不可泄露出去.
例句: "Between you and me and the cat's whiskers, I was almost killed by a decrepit human," said the wolf blushingly. "I managed to escape only by the skin of my teeth!" ("你要守口如瓶不可泄露出去,我差点被一个弱不禁风的人杀死,"这头狼脸红不好意思地说. "我在千钧一发之际及时逃生!")

02. between you and me and the gatepost
定义: 这是你我之间的秘密, 你要守口如瓶不可泄露出去.
例句: Between you, me and the gatepost, I'm thinking of leaving this job. (你要守口如瓶别说出去, 我想要离开这个工作)

03. betwixt and between
定义: 悬而未决, 居于...中间, 模棱两可.
例句: Politically, my parents are betwixt and between. They're neither liberal nor conservative in their views. (我父母政治立场处于中立. 他们政治观点既不属于自由派也不属于保守派)

04. bevy of beauties, a
定义: 一群美女.
例句: A whole bevy of beauties waltzed past the old man, but he didn't even notice. (一群美女轻快地穿过这个老人面前, 但他居然没有注意到她们)

05. beware the ides of March
定义: [莎翁名言]小心防范你周边的人或将要来的灾难. (注: 凯撒大帝于三月十五日被刺杀. 依古罗马历ides是三月, 五月, 七月, 十月的十五日或是其他八个月的十三日)
例句: Beware the Ides of March and the corporate media for corporate journalists cannot be trusted to report on disasters involving the people who pay them. (谨防将要来的灾难和大公司控制的媒体, 不能信任这些记者所报导的涉及他们金主所造成的灾难. 注: 举个例子美国NBC的背后金主是GE)

06. beyond (all) expectations
定义: 超越别人的期望, 要求或预期.
例句: Underestimated at every turn, she succeeds beyond all expectations and soon finds herself as the sought-after therapist to high-profile clients. (处处被人轻视, 她的成就却超越所有的预期, 她很快就发现自己成为高档客户所寻求的治疗专家)

07. beyond (all) recognition
定义: 无法辨认; 认不出来, 面目全非; 惨不忍睹.
例句: Maybe a lot of things had changed beyond recognition. And Clark had m​​ade an idiot of himself trying to convince Lois otherwise. (也许许多事物改变得无法辨认. 而克拉克试图说服萝依斯情形并非如此却让他自己闹个大笑话)

08. beyond a doubt
定义: 毫无疑问地, 肯定地.
例句: By the end of October that year, we knew beyond a doubt that we were in trouble. (直到那年十月底的时刻, 我们相信我们确实有困难了)

09. beyond a joke, get/go
定义: 令人忧心的, 不是开玩笑地.
例句: He's drunk more nights than he's sober these days—this has gone beyond a joke. (这些日子​​, 他晚上酒醉的时间比清醒的时间还多—这是令人担忧的事情)

10. beyond a shadow of a doubt
定义: [法律术语]毫无疑问, 千真万确.
例句: Letters in her father's own handwriting would prove his guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt. (她父亲的亲笔信函将毫无疑问地证明他的罪行)

11. beyond belief
定义: 令人惊奇, 违反常理, 令人难以置信.
例句: I had a simple club sandwich, and it was tasty beyond belief with a ton of well-cooked French fries. (我有一份简单的总会三明治, 配上大量炸得香酥的薯条, 它是令人难以置信地可口)

12. beyond compare
定义: 极优异的, 不能与其相比的, 无与伦比.
例句: Aileen was beautiful beyond compare, because, in her case, extreme beauty of face and feature was coupled with beauty of expression, indicating fine qualities of mind. (蔼琳美得无与伦比, 因为, 就她来说, 极美的容貌和身材加上表情的美感, 显示​​出精致的心理品质)

13. beyond comparison
定义: 极优异的, 不能与其相比的, 无与伦比.
例句: And when two people who share similar thoughts fall for each other, the feeling that they share is beyond comparison. (当两个想法相近人彼此相爱, 他们所共享的恩爱是无与伦比的)

14. beyond comprehension/understanding
定义: 无法理解, 令人想不通, 不可思议.
例句: This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them. (这件事造成对我妻儿不可思议的痛苦与窘困, 我为了给他们带来的这个麻烦感到极为悲痛)

15. beyond help
定义: 大势已去, 无可救药的.
例句: Some drug addicts are beyond help. They don't want to be helped. (有些吸毒瘾君子是无可救药的. 他们根本不想接受救治)

16. beyond me
定义: 我不懂为什么, 没道理; 我想不通.
例句: How they thought they could come in and out without anyone noticing is beyond me. (他们为什么会认为他们可以随便进出而不被人注意到让我想不通. 注: 意指他们的想法幼稚得可笑)

17. beyond measure
定义: 极端地, 过份地, 无法衡量地.
例句: I am amazed beyond measure at the gullibility of students, teachers and the public in general. There was not an iota of good science in his talk. (他的谈话根本没有一丝一毫的科学根据. 而学生, 教师和一般大众这么容易被骗上当真是令我大吃一惊)

18. beyond my ken
定义: 超出我理解的, 超出我了解的; 我想不通.
例句: Why it was so important for you to add your negativity like that is beyond my ken. (我真想不通你为什么非要把像你这样的负面态度掺和进来)

19. beyond one's depth, be
定义: 超出某人的了解或理解能力的.
例句: Poor John was involved in a problem that was really beyond his depth. (可怜的约翰牵连到一个他自己都无法理解的麻烦)

20. beyond one's means
定义: 太昂贵, 买不起, 超过能力.
例句: People attribute her financial predicament to being unemployed as well as living beyond her means when she was employed. (人们归咎她的财务困境在除了她现今失业之外她还在有工作时候挥霍无度)



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