二十笔实用成语 125

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二十笔实用成语 125

帖子 royl » 周二 6月 28, 2011 2:36 am

二十笔实用成语 125

01. boiling point, the
定义: 沸点, 一个人容忍的极限.
例句: Some say the former Marine reached his boiling point Sunday night in a longstanding feud with his next-door neighbor and his sons. (有人说, 星期天晚上这个前陆战队军人跟他隔壁邻居和邻居几个儿子的长期不和达到了他的容忍极限)

02. bold as brass
定义: 过份自信, 厚颜, 胆大妄为.
例句: He walked up to me bold as brass and asked if I had any spare change. (他厚颜地走近我, 问我有没有零钱给他)

03. bold move, a
定义: 有魄力的作为.
例句: There's been a lot of debate about Arizona's new immigration law recently, but from the identity theft perspective, it's a bold move. (最近有许多有关亚利桑那州新移民法的争论, 但从身份窃盗的角度来看,这是个有魄力的作为)

04. bollix up, to
定义: 搞得乱七八糟, 办砸.
例句: I bollixed up my income tax form and had to pay a penalty. (我办砸了我的所得税申报, 我必须要付罚款)

05. bolt from the blue, a
定义: 晴天霹雳; 一个突然, 冷不防的事件.
例句: The news of his firing came as a bolt from the blue. (他的解雇消息传来像一个晴天霹雳, 出乎我们的意外)

06. bolt out of the blue, a
定义: 晴天霹雳; 一个突然, 冷不防的事件.
例句: He seemed to be very happy in his job, so his resignation came as a bolt out of the blue. (他似乎对他的工作很满意, 所以他的辞职消息传来像一个晴天霹雳)

07. bolt upright, to
定义: 突然地(站着, 坐着)挺直.
例句: He woke to see his wife sitting bolt upright beside him and wondered what was the matter. (他醒来看到他妻子突然地挺直坐在他旁边, 他想知道发生了什么事情)

08. bomb around, to
定义: [俚语]漫无目的地游走, 骑车或飙车.
例句: I have been bombing around on my new electric bike almost everyday since I got it, it's wonderful, I'm so pleased with it. (自从买了它之后, 我几乎每天骑我的新电单车, 它真是好极了, 我对它非常满意)

09. bomb out, to
定义: 炸毁别人房屋使其流离失所; 彻底失败.
例句: My dad was bombed out three times in Liverpool, he said there were many empty houses as many people had left the city, so they just moved into an empty house. (我父亲在利物浦三次被轰炸致流离失所, 他说当时有许多空屋因为许多人逃离了这个城市, 所以他们就搬进一间空屋)

10. bomb scare, a
定义: 炸弹恐吓.
例句: A bomb scare led to the closure and evacuation of a Port of Long Beach terminal early this morning, but the area was deemed safe within several hours. (今天早上, 一个炸弹恐吓导致一个长滩港码头关闭和疏散, 但在数小时之内, 这个地区被认定是安全的)

11. bomb something off the map, to
定义: 全面摧毁(尤其以炸弹).
例句: The city looks fairly new as a result of almost being bombed off the map during the war. (这座城市看起来相当新颖, 这是由于它在战争期间差一点被全面摧毁)

12. bomb, a
定义: 惨败, 彻底失败.
例句: The play was a bomb and closed after two performances. (这个戏剧是个彻底失败, 在演出两场之后就被停演)

13. bomb, the
定义: [英国]极大的成功, 成名, 受欢迎. (注意: 前面加的冠词是the)
例句: To these kids, this car is the bomb. It's got four wheels, gas, brakes, and probably an 8-track to boot. (对这些小孩, 这部车是个极受欢迎的东西. 它有四个轮胎, 汽油, 煞车, 还可能有八音轨录音带播放器. 注: 这句话显然在说小朋友有一部老爷车就很满足)


14. bombed out of one's mind, be
定义: 烂醉如泥.
例句: Finally he staggered home, bombed out of his mind, and went straight to sleep. (终于他跌跌撞撞地回家, 烂醉如泥, 他直接上床睡大觉)

15. bombed, be
定义: 喝醉了.
例句: He failed four field sobriety tests and blew a .12 blood alcohol level in a Breathalyzer; you think he was going tell the police he was bombed? (他四次现场酒精清醒测试都没过关, 他用呼吸测醉器吹出一个.12血液酒精含量; 你认为他会告诉警察他喝醉了吗?)

16. bombing runs, the
定义: 轰炸行动.
例句: Clinton regularly ordered bombing runs on Iraq. Look it up. It was seldom reported by the mainstream media, but it happened. (克林顿定期地命令对伊拉克的轰炸行动. 你查查看就知道. 主流媒体几乎从不报导这些新闻, 但这确实发生过)

17. bon appétit
定义: 祝好胃口, 希望食客享受这一餐.
例句: Here's a toast to a wonderful festival. Bon appétit and salute! (在此向精彩的庆典干杯. 祝大家好胃口, 致敬!)

18. bone of contention, a
定义: 争吵的真正原因, 争论的核心问题.
例句: The family cottage was a major bone of contention when their father died. (当他们父亲死后, 这座家传的小别墅成为争论的核心问题)

19. bone to gnaw, a
定义: 啃骨头; 暂时的工作; 让人暂时忙碌地工作.
例句: The game of politics was invented by the elites to give us a bone to gnaw on while they live like literal Greek Gods. (这个被上层集团所发明的政治诡计乃是让我们暂时忙碌地工作而同时他们生活得像希腊神话中诸神一般地奢华)

20. bone to pick, a
定义: 争议, 抱怨或挑剔的问题; 探讨, 研究事情; 令自己忙碌.
例句: Joe sounded angry when he said, "I have a bone to pick with you." (当乔说, "我对你不满.", 他听起来愤愤不平)



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