二十笔实用成语 136

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二十笔实用成语 136

帖子 royl » 周四 7月 14, 2011 11:21 am

二十笔实用成语 136

01. brass knuckles, a
定义: 铜制指节套环. (注: 套在指节上的一种黄铜制徒手武器)
例句: Brass knuckles are illegal for if you use them to defend yourself, they would cause more damage than necessary therefore it makes them an offensive weapon. (如果你使用铜制指节套环来自卫是非法的, 它们会造成不必要的伤害, 所以它们被认定为攻击性武器)

02. brass monkey weather, a
定义: [口语]极冷天气.
例句: January is positively the worst month to get sporty in Shanghai – it's brass monkey weather out there and raining cats and dogs. (上海的一月份肯定是想要活动最糟糕的一个月—它的户外天气极冷又经常下大雨)

03. brass neck to do something, to have the
定义: [英国俚语]厚颜无耻地做某事.
例句: I am surprised you have the brass neck to stand here and say working-class children shouldn't study modern foreign languages​​. (我很惊讶你居然敢站在这里厚颜无耻地声称工人阶级小孩不应该学习现代外语)

04. brass ring, a
定义: [俚语]梦想的机会, 目标或奖赏.
例句: He made his first try for the brass ring when he ran for mayor a few years ago. (几年前, 他以竞选市长做出了第一个追求梦想的尝试)

05. brass someone off, to
定义: [英国]激怒别人, 惹人生气.
例句: She screamed the entire game in the most ludicrous way, ended up brassing off everyone around her. (她在整场比赛不停地滑稽可笑地叫嚣, 最后惹得她所有身旁的人都生气)

06. brassed off, be
定义: [英国]愤愤不平, 无奈于, 失望于.
例句: Jeff testified for Mr. Lawson that another plaintiff had told him she was brassed off with the failure of the prosecution of Jones, as she had been hoping to win compensation. (杰夫替劳森先生作证并说另一原告告诉他, 她对琼斯的起诉失败令她愤愤不平, 因为她本来还希望得到赔偿)

07. bravado
定义: 自信, 勇敢的言行; 虚张声势; 有勇无谋.
例句: Obviously you're not an American and you don't pay taxes, so it's easy for you to scream with all this bravado with my money. (显然地, 你不是美国人也不付税, 所以对你来说很容易有自信地拿着我的纳税钱大声叫嚣)

08. brave it out, to
定义: 以勇气面对危险或困境; 摆出一付蛮横狂妄态度.
例句: Being tired, hungry, traumatized and resigned to saving themselves without the aid their government promised after massive mudslides, they braved it out anyway. (经过大量泥石流倾泻后, 在没有政府所答应的援助之下, 他们身心疲劳,精神受创, 逆来顺受地自救, 他们反正拼到底)

09. brave the elements, to
定义: 恶劣天候出门.
例句: I had to brave the elements to get to work. (我必须要顶着恶劣天候出门去上班)

10. Bravo sir!
定义: [惊叹语]好哇, 先生!
例句: Bravo Sir! I'm so glad you feel this way, and I am with you 100%. (好哇, 先生! 我很高兴你也是如此感觉, 我百分之百赞成你)

11. Bravo!
定义: [惊叹语]好极了! 干得好! 拍手叫好. (注: 鼓励好的表演或演讲)
例句: "Bravo! Bravo!" the audience roared. They loved Heppner's singing and were shouting for more. (听众大声喊出"好极了! 唱得好!" 他们喜爱海普那的歌唱以及呼喊要他唱更多的歌)

12. brazen it out, to
定义: 蛮横到底.
例句: If there's no way to remove your foot from your mouth tactfully, the only way that I know how to do this is to boldly brazen it out. (如果你没有办法委婉地掩饰你的愚蠢失言, 我所知道唯一如何做的办法就是厚颜无耻地蛮横到底)

13. breach of contract, a
定义: 违约.
例句: A breach of contract occurs when any provision of a contract is not honored by a party to that contract. (一件违约行为产生于当任何部分的合约条款不被某一个合约当事人所遵循)

14. bread and butter, the
定义: 赖以为生的主要生计, 生存上基本的需要.
例句: We sell a variety of parts, but the oil filter is our bread and butter. (我们出售各种汽车零件, 但机油滤清器是我们赖以为生的主要产品)

15. bread and circuses, the
定义: 为了缓和人们的不满或转移注意所施舍一些小恩惠.
例句: In ancient Rome, providing the masses with bread and circuses was a way to distract them from the real issues. (在古罗马帝国, 施舍民众一些小恩惠乃是转移他们对真正问题注意的一个方法)

16. bread, the
定义: [俚语]钱.
例句: I took the job because I needed to earn some bread. (我之所以接受这​​个工作是因为我需要赚些钱)

17. bread-and-butter letter, a
定义: 一封作客给主人感谢招待的信函.
例句: When I got back from the sales meeting, I took two days to write bread-and-butter letters to the people I met. (当我从这个销售会议回来后, 我花了两天的时间写感谢招待的信函给我所会晤的人)

18. breadbasket, a
定义: [俚语]胃的俗称; 谷仓地区.
例句: The ball hit him just below his chest – right in the breadbasket. (这个球刚好打到他的胸部之下—正中他的胃部)

19. breadth and depth, the
定义: 深广度, 严重程度.
例句: I wasn't aware of the breadth and depth of the problem. (我当时并没察觉到这个问题的严重程度)

20. breadwinner, the
定义: 生计; 赚钱养家的人.
例句: Leave your kids at home with your wife and go off and try to be as successful as you possibly can because you're the breadwinner. (把你的子女留在家给你的妻子照顾, 出去打拼, 尽你一切力量成功, 因为你是个赚钱养家的人)



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