二十笔实用成语 155

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二十笔实用成语 155

帖子 royl » 周二 8月 09, 2011 4:12 pm

二十笔实用成语 155

01. build something from the ground/bottom up, to
定义: 从头开始​​, 全面地建造一个组织或公司.
例句: Starting the business in her kitchen, Nancy built the business from the ground up and it is now based in Nashville. (从她的厨房创业起, 南西从头开始建立这个总部位于纳什维尔的事业)

02. build the evidence, to
定义: 搜集建立证据.
例句: The prosecutor is biased in his opinion and built the evidence around the conclusion and not the other way around. (这个检察官带有偏见, 他以这个结论为重心来建立证据而不是从相反的方向搜证)

03. build up a head of steam, to
定义: 鼓起一股冲劲.
例句: The poor little guy built up a head of steam, barreled toward the door, and then, Bam! His face smashed into the screen. (这个可怜小家伙鼓起一股冲劲, 冲撞这扇门, 然后, 碰!他的脸撞入纱门. 注: 许多美国人在房屋的外门装上纱门或风雨门可以防止蚊虫或风雨进屋内)


04. build up, to
定义: 逐渐地发展, 累积, 加强; 一阶段接着一阶段的增加; 促进或提高健康, 力量, 名声.
例句: Over the years the company built up a reputation for technological innovation. (这些年来, 这家公司在技术创新上累积了良好的声誉)

05. build-down, a
定义: 减少, 特指每造一个新核武弹头就要销毁一个以上的旧核弹头.
例句: But such leadership is needed not only for the build-down, but also to envision a world with zero nuclear weapons. (然而这种领导是需要的, 不止为了减少核武, 而且为了展望一个零核武的世界)

06. building block, a
定义: 建筑模块, 组织或结构单元.
例句: Families are the building blocks of our society. (家庭是我们社会的结构单元)

07. built like a brick house, be
定义: 具有强健体魄的.
例句: Tyrone plays football. He's built like a brick house. (泰隆是个美式足球球员. 他体魄强健如牛)

08. built out of brick/logs, be
定义: (论及建筑物)砖造的/原木造的.
例句: The church is built out of logs. It fell into disrepair after the founding congregation moved out. (这间教堂是原木造的. 它在建堂的会众移出之后就破损失修. 注: 有些老教会的会众搬离这个社区之后, 通常他们会把教堂捐赠给这个社区新搬来的教徒)

09. built to last, be
定义: (产品)做得牢靠, 可以长久使用.
例句: If a human body is built to last, why do so many people have serious problems with their bodies? (如果一个人身体是可以长久使用的话, 为什么这么多人身体仍然有严重问题?)

10. bulk large, to
定义: 突显重要性, 深具影响力; 笼罩在威胁之下.
例句: This is a problem that bulks large in the minds of many people. (这是一个在许多人心目中深具影响的问题)

11. bulk of, the
定义: 绝大部分的, 几乎全部的.
例句: Farming makes up the bulk of the country's economy. (这个国家经济绝大部分是农业)

12. bulk out, to
定义: 增加材料, 使其更大或更充实.
例句: He bulked out the report with lots of graphs and charts. (他增加大量的图表使这个报告更为充实)

13. bulk up, to
定义: 增加体重尤其强肌健身部分.
例句: The most important thing to remember when trying to bulk up through natural bodybuilding is that hard work and a lot of food. (当你试图以自然健身方式来强肌健身时, 你要记住最重要的是, 辛勤地运动和摄取大量食物)

14. bull in a china shop, be like a
定义: 莽撞而笨拙的人, 易闯祸的人.
例句: As a politician, he was a bull in a china shop and often had to apologize for his rough speech. (作为一个从政人物, 他是一个莽撞而笨拙的人, 经常必须要为他的粗暴话语跟人道歉)

15. bull market, a
定义: 牛市, 多头市场整体性的上涨走势.
例句: I expect there would be more correction during the course of the bull market. (我估计在这个牛市的过程中会有更多的修正)

16. bull session, to have a
定义: 非正式地讨论, 闲聊, 漫谈.
例句: These were random thoughts, no plans, essentially a bull session about what we could do if we ever wanted to do something. (这些是一些随意的想法, 没有计划, 基本上是一个非正式的讨论有关如果我们想要做某一件事我们该如何着手去做)

17. bull, a lot/load/bunch of
定义: [美俚语]空谈, 吹牛, 胡说八道.
例句: What a load of bull. Since when does the big business care about most vulnerable segments of society? (根本是胡说八道. 什么时候大公司曾经关怀过社会的弱势阶层?)

18. bullcrap
定义: [不雅俚语]胡说八道.
例句: Bullcrap! I just don't believe in superior/inferior races. I couldn't give a damn if people happen to be mixed or not. (胡说八道! 我根本不相信有什么优越或劣质的种族. 我才不在乎人们是否碰巧是混血或纯种)

19. bulldoze one's way, to
定义: 硬闯, 硬干, 持暴凌人.
例句: He bulldozed his way to the top and became the company's president. (他一路硬干至最高职位并且成为公司的总裁)

20. bulletin board, a
定义: 公告栏, 公布栏.
例句: If you're interested in attending this conference you may register by signing up on the bulletin board outside the church office. (如果你有兴趣参加这场会议的话, 你可以在教堂办公室外面的公告栏上登记)



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