二十笔实用成语 206

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二十笔实用成语 206

帖子 royl » 周四 10月 13, 2011 4:41 pm

二十笔实用成语 206

01. checks and balances
定义: [政治术语]政府制衡系统. 政府三权分立, 具有权力监督与制约的功能.
例句: There are no checks and balances in government anymore, all three branches have circled the wagons, they cover each other's butts; it's us against them. (政府已经失去监督与制约的功能, 这些三权已经为保护共同利益团结一致, 他们互相遮掩过失; 就剩下我们跟他们对抗)

02. checkup, a
定义: 健康检查.
例句: If you aren't feeling well, go to the doctor for a checkup. (如果你感觉不舒服的话, 去医生那儿做个健康检查)

03. cheek by jowl
定义: 并肩地, 紧密在一起地.
例句: Jack and James fought cheek by jowl in World War I. (杰克和詹姆士在第一次世界大战时一起并肩作战)

04. cheeks were burning with shame, one's
定义: 羞愧得脸红耳赤.
例句: Perhaps his cheeks were burning with shame but none could see it as he buried his face into his hands. (也许他羞愧得脸红耳赤, 但没人看得见因为他拿双手遮住脸)

05. cheeky monkey, a
定义: [不尊重语]言语轻率无礼的人.
例句: Could somebody get this cheeky monkey off my back please? (有人能叫这轻率无礼的人别烦我好吗?)

06. cheeky, be
定义: 轻率无礼的.
例句: Tara is too cheeky. She told her mom to stop flirting with men. (泰拉太轻率无礼. 她要她妈妈别跟男人们打情骂俏)

07. cheer on, to
定义: 激励..., 替某人或某队加油叫好.
例句: Their fans cheered them on from the sidelines. (他们的球迷在边线替他们加油叫好)

08. cheer someone to the echo, to
定义: 喝采与拍手鼓励某人或某队.
例句: Liz has come out of retirement for a final fling at an arena close enough to ensure a sizeable contingent of home fans cheer her to the echo. (在一个距离近得足以吸引大批本地运动迷为她喝采与拍手鼓励的体育场, 丽兹暂停退休, 重披战袍做最后一次的比赛)

09. Cheer up! It's not the end of the world.
[成语句型]别难过, 这不是世界末日.

10. Cheer up! Things could be worse.
[成语句型]别难过, 情况有可能更糟. (注: 意指事情进展虽然不顺心, 但也还没糟到不可收拾地步)

11. cheer up, to
定义: 鼓励人振作起来; 安慰, 劝人别难过.
例句: Suzie's brother was depressed about not getting a promotion, so she sent him a funny card to cheer him up. (苏西的兄弟因为没有得到升迁很沮丧, 所以她寄给他一张逗笑卡劝他别难过)

a funny card

12. Cheerio!
定义: [英国招呼语]再见, 打招呼, 敬酒, 祝人好运.
例句: Cheerio! See you later! (再见! 回头见!)

13. Cheers!
定义: [英国招呼语]敬酒, 再见, 打招呼, 祝人好运.
例句: Drink up, everybody. Cheers! (大家干杯. 祝大家好运!)

14. Cheery-bye!
定义: [英国招呼语]再见, 道别.
例句: I'll see you tomorrow. Cheery-bye! (明天见. 再见!)

15. Cheese it!
定义: [命令口气]危险示警: 小心! 快逃! 快走! 停止! 别讲话!
例句: Cheese it! Here come the cops! (快走! 警察来了!)

16. cheesecake, a
定义: 乳酪蛋糕, 身材娇艳泳装美女照片展示.
例句: Nowadays, advertisers are relying on cheesecake to sell products. (现今, 登广告的人们依赖泳装美女来卖产品)

17. cheesed off, be
定义: 愤怒的, 受够了, 烦透的.
例句: They were cheesed off when I said you wouldn't pay them. (当我说我不付他们钱之后他们很愤怒)

18. cheesy
定义: 劣质的, 低品质的, 寒酸的.
例句: The acting was pretty cheesy. The actors didn't know their lines. (这个表演质量很低. 这些演员忘了他们的台词)

19. cherish a snake/serpent/viper in one's bosom, to
定义: 姑息养奸, 养虎遗患.
例句: Don't feed, or take under your roof animals, of savage dispositions, that have sharp claws. In other words, don't cherish a snake in your bosom. (别喂食, 或带回家养这些野性, 利爪的动物. 换句话说, 别养虎遗患)

20. cherish an/the illusion, to
定义: 对...抱着幻想.
例句: He seems to cherish the illusion that serious issues can be solved by being tight-lipped—silence is not always golden. (他似乎还对只要闭口不谈就可以解决严重问题抱着幻想—沉默并不永远是最好的策略)



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