二十笔实用成语 230

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二十笔实用成语 230

帖子 royl » 周四 11月 10, 2011 1:38 pm

二十笔实用成语 230

01. come in handy, to
定义: 需要时可以派上用场.
例句: Your first power tools should be a drill and a jigsaw. Those are tools that come in handy here and there, even if you are not into woodworking. (你的第一批电动工具应该是支电钻和电线锯. 虽然你不从事木工工艺, 它们在各处你有需要时可以派上用场)

02. come in on a sparrow's ticket, to
定义: [澳洲俚语]偷偷溜进去, 免费进场.
例句: They tried to come in the game on a sparrow's ticket even though they had enough money. (虽然他们有足够的钱买门票, 他们还想试图偷偷溜进这个球赛)

03. come in on something, to
定义: 参与, 参加.
例句: I would like to come in on this project. I am a sociology student and my idea is to do an ethnography on the project. (我想参加这个工作项目. 我是一个社会学学生, 我的想法是在这个项目里做一个民族志)

04. come in second, to
定义: 取得第二名.
例句: I've thought a lot about Henry, who came in second. Being first is pretty important in our culture. (我对于亨利拿到第二名的事情想了很久. 取得第一名是我们文化相当看重的一件事)

05. come in under the wire, to
定义: 于最后一刻, 即时, 在截止时刻之前.
例句: Anyway the price increase was to start March 1st and I just came in under the wire and ordered my tires this Saturday. ​​(反正涨价是从三月一日才开始, 我正好在星期六最后一刻即时订购了我的轮胎)

06. come in, to
定义: 进入; 供应到, 可以使用; 完成或到达的排名; 使用的模式; 接收无线电; 成为一个角色或功能; 达到成熟, 成果或生产.
例句: We're going to need someone to help with the cooking, and that's where you come in. (我们将需要一个人来帮忙准备食物, 你的工作就是来帮我们准备食物)

07. come in/into bloom, to
定义: 开花.
例句: A new display garden is just coming into bloom along the driveway. To the left, a large expanse has been cleared for a new prairie garden. (一个新的展示花园正沿车道开花. 在左侧, 一块广阔土地已经被整理好将要作为一个崭新的草原花园)


08. come in/into contact with ..., to
定义: 与...接触.
例句: A truck driver was charred to death after the truck in which he was sleeping came in contact with high-tension electricity wires on Sunday night. (星期天晚上, 在这部卡车触及高压电线之后, 一个在卡车内睡觉的司机被烧焦致死)

09. come in/into sight/view, to
定义: 出现, 进入视野, 被人看见到.
例句: How am I supposed to grow grass in my front yard if they eat every green thing that comes into sight? (如果它们看到绿色植物就通通吃掉, 我该如何在我前院种草呢?)

10. come into a fortune, to
定义: 继承一大笔财产.
例句: My original intention was to join the army, but I came into a fortune of $100,000 and have since then had no job but lived a life of pleasure. (我原本想要加入陆军, 但我继承了一笔十万元的财产, 自此之后我不再工作却过着惬意的生活)

11. come into being, to
定义: 出生, 形成, 实现.
例句: According to physicist Amit Goswami, the above description is a scientifically viable explanation of how the universe came into being. (依据物理学家阿密特•古斯万米, 上述的描述是一个对宇宙如何形成的科学上可行的解释)

12. come into effect, to
定义: 开始生效, 开始实施.
例句: A ban on Muslims saying prayers in the street comes into effect in Paris with believers offered the use of a disused fire brigade barracks. (对巴黎街道上进行回教徒祈祷的取缔开始生效, 市政府提供信徒使用一个被弃用的救火员营舍来祈祷)

13. come into fashion, to
定义: 进入新流行.
例句: She says that although bell-bottom pants have come into fashion again she will never wear them. (她说即使喇叭裤已经再度进入新流行她也不会再穿它们. 注: 因为裤子, pants, 永远是复数名词, 我们应当永远使用复数的代名词, them)

14. come into force, to
定义: 开始生效, 开始实施.
例句: New measures developed by the CAA are due to come into force today in an effort to reduce disruption caused by volcanic ash. (为了努力减少火山灰所带来的交通中断, 由民航局所策划的新措施今天开始实施)

15. come into one's own, to
定义: 达到愿望/梦想, 得到应得的..., 得到别人对自己能力上认可或赞扬.
例句: He has really come into his own as a basketball player since he changed positions. (自从他换了他的攻守位置之后, 他确实取得别人对他作为一个篮球球员能力上的认可)

16. come into play, to
定义: 开始起作用, 运转, 产生影响.
例句: In sales, all of your skills come into play. You use them all. (在行销上, 你所有的技巧都会产生作用. 你会把它们通通发挥出来)

17. come into the world, to
定义: 出生, 来到人世间, 来到这个世界.
例句: The vast majority of the people coming into the world over the next four decades—a full 97 percent—will live in less developed regions. (未来四十年, 绝大部分来到这个世界的人—整整百分之九十七的人—将会生活在欠发达地区)

18. come into, to
定义: 进入; 取得; 涉及; 影响.
例句: Deciding who to hire should be a business decision. You shouldn't allow personal feelings to come into it. (决定雇用哪一个人应该是一个商业决策. 你不应该容许你私人感情影响这个决定)

19. come last, to
定义: 最后才出现; 列为最后; 排在最后.
例句: I hope to embellish it more with captivati​​ng photos, but that will come last and only if I have time. (我希望再加上一些吸引人的照片来润色它, 但我把这项工作排在最后, 只有在我还剩下时间的时候才会做)

20. come loose, to
定义: 松脱, 松开, 松掉.
例句: I was trying to replace ink cartridge in my 5-in-one printer, the lid came loose. I have tried to figure out how to reattach the lid with no success. (我正想试着换掉我五合一喷墨印表机的墨水盒, 它的盖子松脱了. 我一直想办法把这个盖子装回去, 但一直不成功)



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