二十笔实用成语 254

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二十笔实用成语 254

帖子 royl » 周四 12月 08, 2011 7:15 pm

二十笔实用成语 254

01. cover charge, a
定义: (酒吧, 夜总会或餐厅的)附加费, 服务费.
例句: Usually, cover charge is waived at some clubs for early arrivals, for people who order food, or, if the club is in a hotel, for hotel guests. (一般来说, 酒吧对提早来的客人, 点食物的客人不收附加费; 或者, 如果它附设于旅馆内的话, 它对旅馆客人也不收附加费)

02. cover familiar ground, to
定义: 讨论熟悉的或已经讨论过的内容.
例句: Some of the tutorials will cover familiar ground but are considered essential in understanding the fundamentals of critical reading and effective writing. (有些辅导教材将会讨论熟悉的内容, 但是这些内容对于理解判断性阅读和有效写作的基本原则被视为极为必要)

03. cover for someone, to
定义: 替别人找借口, 理由或圆谎; (某人有事要出去)替某人照顾一下工作.
例句: I may be late for work today. ​​Will you cover for me? (我可能今天上班迟到. 你可不可以照顾一下我的工作?)

04. cover girl, a
定义: 封面女郎. 出现在杂志封面的年轻貌​​美女子.
例句: Crawford, known for her beauty spot above her upper lip, briefly studied chemical engineering before becoming one of the world's most popular cover girls. (克劳馥, 以她的上唇上方的美人痣而知名, 在成为世界最受欢迎的封面女郎之前她曾经短期就读化工系)


05. cover ground/cover the ground, to
定义: 旅游; 有进展; 审查或讨论一些主题或想法.
例句: We have covered a little ground but people still don't understand it. (我们只讨论了一点点内容但人们还是不了解它)

06. cover one's ass/butt, to
定义: [不雅语]找借口或理由以避免责怪, 惩罚或受伤害.
例句: He's only covering his butt but it's too late and I hope those he deceived, stole and manipulated take him to debtors court. (他只是替他自己找借口而已, 但太迟了, 我希望那些被他诈欺, 偷窃以及上他当的人把他告上债务求偿法院)

07. cover one's back, to
定义: 保护自己, 确保自己的工作或作为事后不被批评或归咎.
例句: Whatever solution you chose, just make sure you cover your back when it comes to these issues. (不管你选择哪一个解决方法, 当你碰到这些争端时, 你要确保自己不背黑锅)

08. cover one's hide, to
定义: 找借口或理由以避免责怪, 惩罚或受伤害. (注: hide在此是自己利益之意)
例句: Document everything so that you can defend yourself and cover your hide if need be. (你要把所有的文件都加以存档以便在必要时候用来为你自己辩护, 避免受到伤害)

09. cover one's tracks, to
定义: 掩盖自己的行踪​​或涉嫌的证据(逃避别人追查).
例句: He was trying to cover his tracks but it was easy to see where he had recently been. (他力图掩盖自己的行踪​​, 但不难找出他最近所去过的地方)

10. cover oneself in/with glory, to
定义: 载誉, 浸润于光荣, 功成名就.
例句: Edward III exhibited military ability at an early age, covering himself in glory at the Battle of Crecy in 1346. (浸润于一三四六年克雷西会战的光荣成就里, 爱德华三世在早年便展现出他的军事才能)


11. cover oneself, to
定义: 找借口或理由以避免责怪, 惩罚或受伤害.
例句: You tend to cover yourself with an excuse. Don't do it! The raw feeling will go away as you become more skilled at apologizing in a sincere way. (你很喜欢找理由来规避责任. 最好别再逃避! 当你熟练了真心诚意地跟人道歉之后, 这个受伤的感觉就会消失)

12. cover story, the
定义: 杂志封面故事或报导; 谎言或借口.
例句: The British military attaché and spy, Captain Munro, used these hassles as his cover story for staying in town. (这个英国军事武官和间谍, 芒罗上尉, 拿这些争吵做借口滞留在城里)

13. cover the field/territory/waterfront, to
定义: 具有全面性的, 包括, 扩展至; 针对某一个事务.
例句: The superintendent's speech covered the waterfront on the drug problem with the district. (这个总监的谈话是针对这个学区所面临的吸毒问题)

如果你想多了解美国学区制度, 请点以下连接: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/学区

14. cover up for someone, to
定义: 遮掩某人所做之事或真相.
例句: When we stop helping and covering up for the addict, we allow the addict to face the consequences of their out-of-control behavior. (当我们不再替这个有毒瘾的人遮掩真相, 我们让这个瘾君子面对他自己的无法控制的行为)

15. cover up, to
定义: 隐藏, 掩盖不让人看见或知道.
例句: In 1969, when a former soldier wrote letters to government officials, several men were charged with murder, and some officers were charged with covering up the crime. (于一九六九年, 当一个退役军人写信给政府官员之后, 数人被以谋杀罪起诉, 几个军官也被以隐藏犯罪不报罪起诉)

16. cover your mouth when you cough/sneeze, to
定义: 当你咳嗽或打喷嚏时, 你要把嘴捂住.
例句: The idea is to cover your mouth when you cough so the germs in your body don't go flying into the air where they will make someone else sick. (这个概念是咳嗽时把嘴捂住, 如此可以使你体内的细菌不会飘浮在空气中让别人感染生病)

17. cover/meet one's immediate needs, to
定义: 满足目前的需求.
例句: Thanks, this would cover my immediate needs right now, but I am sure I'll find ways to fine tune it later. (多谢, 这样就可以满足我目前的需要, 不过我以后肯定会找出办法来微调它)

18. covered with dust, be
定义: 被尘土覆盖.
例句: The floor was covered with dust. You can see the dust particles floating through the air. (地板上覆盖着都是尘土. 你还可以看到尘土微粒飘浮在空气中)

19. covert operation, a
定义: (军事或政治)秘密行动, 如果被曝光也会被肇事的政府否认.
例句: One distinction of a covert operation is that emphasis is placed on concealment of identity of sponsor rather than on concealment of the operation. (一个秘密行动的特征是, 它着重在隐瞒这​​个行动唆使人的身份而不是隐瞒这个行动本身)

20. cover-up, a
定义: 掩盖或隐藏真相; 较松的外衣或罩衫.
例句: There has long been suspicion of a government cover-up of information about the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. (长久以来, 人们一直怀疑政府隐藏约翰•甘迺迪于一九六三年十一月二十二日被暗杀的真相)



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