二十笔实用成语 1107

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二十笔实用成语 1107

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 11, 2022 10:40 pm

二十笔实用成语 1107

01. to a great degree/extent
定义: 在很大的程度上, 到很大程度.
例句: While I agree with your points to a great extent, there are a few details that I think bear closer scrutiny. (虽然我很大程度上同意你的观点, 但我认为还有一些细节需要经过仔细地推敲)

02. to a lesser degree/extent
定义: 少于, 较少程度上.
例句: This new tax affects the middle class and, to a lesser degree, the rich. (这个新税法影响了中产阶级, 在较小程度上也影响了富人)

03. to a man
定义: 没有例外, 包括每个人.
例句: To a man, they all agreed. (没有例外, 他们都同意了)

04. to a T/tee/turn
定义: 正确地, 完美地, 准确地.
例句: This new job suits me to a T. (这份新工作简直是为我量身定做的)

05. to and fro
定义: 往返两地, 来回地.
例句: She stood up and began to pace to and fro. (她站起来, 开始来回踱步)

06. to be exact
定义: 正确地说.
例句: He came a long way from St. Louis, Missouri, to be exact to attend the wedding. (他从密苏里州的圣路易斯市远道而来, 确切地说是为了参加婚礼)

07. to be on the safe side
定义: 为了保险起见, 以防万一, 为了安全起见.
例句: I made an extra batch of cupcakes, just to be on the safe side in case we have more guests than we anticipated. (我多做了一批纸杯蛋糕, 以防万一客人多于预期)

08. to be perfectly/quite honest/frank (with you)
定义: 老实说, 坦白的说, 实话实说.
例句: "Your cat's up in the tree again." "To be perfectly honest, I don't care. Let him come down alone." ("你家的猫又上树了." "老实说, 我不管他了. 让他自己下来吧.")

09. to be sure
定义: 的确地, 诚然, 无疑地, 当然地; 为了确定; 想要确定.
例句: To be sure, it would be better for you to talk to the president of the company in person. (当然, 你最好还是跟公司总裁当面好好地谈谈吧)

10. to begin with
定义: 首先, 从一开始, 起初, 第一.
例句: "What was it you didn't like?" "Well, to begin with, our room was far too small." ("你到底不喜欢的是什么?" "好吧, 首先, 我们的房间太小.")

11. to bits
定义: 成为碎片; 极为, 非常地; 情绪不稳定的心态; 到恶化或挫败的.
例句: Poor John really went to bits during the funeral service. (可怜的约翰在葬礼上伤心欲绝得情绪崩溃)

12. to boot
定义: 除此之外, 还有.
例句: It's supposed to be really cold this weekend, and raining to boot, so I don't think we'll go ahead with our plans for a barbecue. (这个周末应该很冷, 而且还会下雨, 所以我不认为我们应该如约举行我们计划好的户外烧烤活动)

13. to date
定义: 迄今为止, 到现在为止.
例句: To date, we've received 40 bookings for the trip, so we're doing quite well. (迄今为止, 我们已经收到了四十份旅行预约, 所以我们的生意相当好)

14. to die for
定义: 梦寐以求的, 极具吸引力的.
例句: The desserts in this restaurant are to die for! (这家餐厅的甜点简直是梦寐以求的好吃!)

15. to-do list
定义: 待办工作单.
例句: Calling the plumber is on my to-do list. (打电话给水管工已经列在我的待办工作单上)

16. to do with ..., be
定义: 与...有关.
例句: My problem is to do with money; I have to pay for the hefty mortgage and to take care of my family. (我的问题跟钱有关; 我必须要付巨额房贷和养活家人)

17. to each his own
定义: 各有所好.
例句: I personally wouldn't have chosen such a flashy car, but to each his own. (我个人是不会选择这么华丽花哨的汽车, 但是青菜萝卜, 各有所好)

18. to err is human (to forgive is divine)
定义: [谚语]犯错人皆难免, 宽恕则是神圣伟大的.
例句: "I will never forgive my sister for what she has done!" "Don't be angry at her. To err is human, to forgive divine." ("我永远不会原谅我姐姐的所作所为!" "不要生她的气. 人皆难免犯错, 宽恕则是神圣伟大的.")

19. to fever pitch
定义: 到达兴奋, 激动高潮.
例句: The crowd had been roused to fever pitch by the drama of the game. (这场比赛所带来的紧张刺激, 跌宕起伏的过程已经把观众的激动情绪推向高潮)

20. ... to go
定义: 还剩下(通常一个数量)要做; 带走; 买走(尤其食物)带回家或办公室吃.
例句: We've cleaned five rooms. Just one to go. (我们已经清理了五个房间. 只剩下一间了)



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