二十笔实用成语 1120

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二十笔实用成语 1120

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 25, 2022 8:49 pm

二十笔实用成语 1120

01. trick or treat!
定义: 不请客就捣蛋! (注: 意指万圣节晚上儿童们扮成鬼怪沿家挨户讨糖果所用的诙谐威胁语)
例句: "Trick or treat!" "Oh, what scary costumes you all have! Here, help yourselves, kids." ("不请客就捣蛋!" "啊, 你们都穿了这么吓人的服装! 这里, 自己拿, 孩子们.")

02. trick out, to
定义: 华丽花绍地装饰, 打扮.
例句: He spent all that money tricking his car out, but the thing still runs like a piece of junk. (他把所有的钱都花在他车子华丽的装饰上, 但那玩意儿仍然跑得像一坨垃圾一样)

03. trick up one's sleeve, a
定义: 袖里乾坤; 手中扣着秘密王牌, 优势, 资源, 锦囊妙计. (注: up one's sleeve: 隐藏有利资源)
例句: I've got a few tricks up my sleeve if he decides to pursue legal action against me. (如果他决定对我采取法律行动的话, 我有几招对付他的妙计)

04. trickle away, to
定义: 涓滴流逝, 逐渐消失.
例句: As the clock ticks down, the team's hopes of reaching the playoffs continues to trickle away. (随着时间的流逝, 这支球队进入总决赛的希望逐渐愈趋渺茫)

05. tricky question, a
定义: 需要技巧或谨慎思考的问题; 难以作答的问题.
例句: A tricky question on a math test is even trickier if you can't use a calculator to solve it. (一道数学考试里的难题会变成更难以作答, 如果你不能用计算器来解决的话)

06. tried and tested, be
定义: 久经考验的, 每试必灵的.
例句: The tried and tested method for getting someone to confess is to just let them keep talking. (想要让某人坦白招供的每试必灵方法就是让他们不停地说话)

07. trifle away, to
定义: 浪费, 白白地糟蹋.
例句: You'll never afford a house if you keep trifling your money away on such useless extravagances. (如果你不停地浪费钱在这些没意义的奢侈品上, 你将永远买不起房子)

08. trifle with someone, to
定义: 与某人耍嘴皮子, 不尊重某人, 将某人视同儿戏.
例句: I wouldn't do that if I were you. The plans of the boss are not to be trifled with. (如果我是你的话, 我不会那样做. 老板的计划不可视同儿戏)

09. trim one's sails, to
定义: 调整自己, 适应新环境, 顺应时势; 节约, 减少开支.
例句: We've trimmed our sails and navigated a steady course through sea changes in the laws and regulations that impact our clients' businesses. (经历了影响客户业务的法律法规的巨变之后, 我们已经调整了经营方式并且稳步前进)

10. trip and fall, to
定义: 绊倒摔一跤.
例句: Just because you tripped and fell on someone's property doesn't make them automatically responsible to you. (就因为你在某人的房地上绊倒跌一跤并不意味着他们理所当然地对你负责)

11. trip off the tongue, to
定义: 顺口而出, 朗朗上口. (注: 意指很容易讲出口)
例句: When you name your food truck, make sure it's something that trips off the tongue so that people will remember it. (当你给你的街头小吃卡车起名字时, 务必要顺口易念, 这样人们就会记住它)

12. trip over, to
定义: 被绊倒; 推搡他人; 口吃, 结巴说话.
例句: I tripped over a box someone had set down in the hallway. (我被一个放在走廊里的盒子绊倒了)

13. trip the light fantastic, to
定义: 跳舞.
例句: Of course, the best part of a wedding is when everyone trips the light fantastic into the wee hours of the morning. (当然, 婚礼中最好的部分是当每个人都热情忘我地跳舞直到凌晨时分才结束)

14. trip up, to
定义: 使某人动摇, 犹豫或犯错误; 被绊倒, 绊倒别人; 步履蹒跚, 结结巴巴, 犹豫不决或犯错误.
例句: Kids, don't go running around me while I'm cooking, or you might trip me up! (孩子们, 不要在我做饭的时候在我身边跑来跑去, 否则你们会绊倒我!)

15. triple threat, a
定义: 熟稔三个领域或三个技术者; 三重领域专家.
例句: She has degrees in law, business, and socioeconomics – the classic triple threat! (她拥有法律, 商业和社会经济学三个学位 – 典型的三重领域专家!)

16. Trojan horse, a
定义: 特洛伊木马: 看起来无害但最终是怀着恶意的人物; 特洛伊木马电脑病毒.
例句: That personable new hire turned out to be a Trojan horse. She stole our intellectual property and sold it to the competitor! (那个和蔼可亲的新职员原来是一个特洛伊木马. 她窃取了我们的知识产权并将它卖给了竞争对手!)

17. don't feed the troll(s)
定义: [网路术语] 不要在网络论坛, 社交媒体平台等上与故意试图对抗或挑衅他人的人交往或关注他们.
例句: "Can you believe this clown? Why are they writing such nasty stuff on this thread?" "Don't feed the troll, dude. They're just looking for attention." ("你敢相信这个蠢货吗? 他们为什么在这个帖子上写了这么恶心的东西." "不要理会这个网路喷子, 伙计. 他们只是在寻找别人的关注.")

18. trooper vs. trouper
定义: [易混淆字或短语]trooper是位军人, 警员; trouper是位表演者.

19. trophy wife, a
定义: 奖杯妻子, 花瓶妻子, 嫁给富人的年轻貌美女子. (注: 经常此妻不是第一任的原配)
例句: You're such a bimbo that the only way you'll ever succeed is if some old rich dude takes you as his trophy wife some day! (你真是个绣花枕头, 你成功的唯一途径就是某天某个有钱的老男人把你当成他的花瓶妻子!)

20. trot along, to
定义: 沿着...小跑.
例句: This has been a great album to listen to as I trot along to work in the morning. (这是一张很棒的专辑, 我早晨小跑去上班的时候就听它)



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