二十笔实用成语 1174

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二十笔实用成语 1174

帖子 royl » 周日 3月 12, 2023 8:47 pm

二十笔实用成语 1174

01. when (the) shit hits the fan
定义: [不雅语]当大麻烦突然降临; 意想不到大难临头.
例句: I know you think your job is secure, but you should always be prepared in case shit ever hits the fan. (我知道你觉得你的铁饭碗工作很稳当, 但你总应该做好准备以防万一大事不妙的时候拿出一套应急措施)

02. when the time is right
定义: 当时机成熟时.
例句: "I'm 35 years old. Why aren't I married already?" "Oh, sweetheart, when the time is right." ("我今年都35岁了. 我怎么还没有结婚?" "哦, 亲爱的, 等缘份来的时候, 你自然而然就会结婚.")

03. when they zig, you zag
定义: [谚语]作一个领导者, 不要作跟随者; 要有创意, 别一味跟风抄袭.
例句: When they zig, you zag. When they sell, you buy. When they retreat, you advance. OK, you get the picture. (当他们突然左转, 你就突然右转. 当他们卖出的时候, 你就买进. 当他们撤退的时候, 你就前进. 好了, 你明白我的意思了)

04. when times were hard
定义: 当时的情况艰难.
例句: You came when times were hard and laborers were few; now you leave with our gratitude, our blessings and adieu. (在你来的时候, 我们情况艰难, 人力稀缺; 如今你的离开, 带着我们的感激, 祝福和难舍的惜别)

05. when you're hot, you're hot.
定义: 一顺百顺. (注: 意指当你一旦顺利的时候, 你做什么都顺利)
例句: When you're hot, you're hot and the Phillies are nothing if not hot. It's the first time they've had a nine-game winning streak since July 29, 2011. (当你顺利的时候, 你做什么都顺利, 如果不顺利的话, 费城人队便成了一支不值一顾的球队. 这是他们自2011年7月29日以来首次取得的九连胜)

06. where angels/others fear to tread
定义: 做别人都不敢做的事; 去危险之地.
例句: He has gone where others fear to tread. He went straight to the boss and asked for a raise. (他做了别人不敢做的事. 他直接找上了老板要求加薪)

07. where are you from?
定义: 你是哪里人? (注: 意指国籍, 家乡)
例句: "Where are you from?" "I'm originally from a little town in Texas, but I grew up in Miami." ("你是哪里人?" "我来自德克萨斯州的一个小镇, 但我是在迈阿密长大的.")

08. where are your manners?
定义: 你怎么忘了你的礼貌?
例句: Where are my manners? May I take your coat? (抱歉, 我怎么忘了我的礼貌? 我可以把你的大衣挂起来吗? 注: 这是指主人向来客询问可否把他的大衣拿到大门附近的衣服间去挂起来)

09. where can he possibly be?
定义: 他可能在哪儿?
例句: He was supposed to be here an hour ago. Where can he possibly be? (他一小时之前就该到这儿了. 他可能在哪儿呢?)

10. where did that come from?
定义: 那东西从哪弄来的? 怎么回事? 从哪听来的?
例句: Where did that come from? From your parents? What the heck do they know? (这是从哪里听来的? 从你父母那里吗? 他们懂个啥呀?)

11. where do we go from here?
定义: 何去何从? 下一步该怎么办? (注: 意指征询意见)
例句: "I just feel like the spark has gone out of our relationship." "So, where do we go from here?" ("我只是觉得我们之间的激情已经消失了." "那我们下一步该怎么办?")

12. where do you draw the line?
定义: 该在哪儿画定界限? 该在哪儿画上红线? 如何设定可容忍的限度?
例句: I don't mind my roommate being a bit messy, but leaving dirty dishes for me to clean up is where I draw the line! (我不介意我的室友有点邋遢, 但把脏碗盘留给我清洗就超过了我能容忍的限度!)

13. where else can you find?
定义: 你还能在哪里找得到? (注: 意指当然是在某处才能找得到)
例句: Where else can you find a place that pairs the vibrant colors of Brazil with the bright lights of Las Vegas?! (你还能在哪里找到一个能将巴西的鲜艳色彩和拉斯维加斯的明亮灯光相互搭配的地方呢?!)

14. where have you been?
定义: 你去哪儿了? (注: 意指我找了你老半天都找不着你)
例句: I've been waiting for you for half an hour. Where have you been? (我已经等了你半个钟头了. 你去哪儿了?)

15. where it's at
定义: 热闹好玩的去处; 重要事件发生的地点; 问题核心之所在; 当前非常流行或盛行的东西.
例句: This is where it's all at, drag racers, mad drivers with pro skills, ready to battle it out on the asphalt. Become a drift king and pass your rivals on the highway. (这里就是赛车竞技场, 飙车手, 拥有专业技术的疯狂车手, 准备在其柏油路上决一雌雄. 成为一名漂移车王, 在高速公路上超越你的对手)

16. where on earth ...
定义: 究竟...在哪里. (注: on earth是用来加强语气, 具有'究竟'之意)
例句: We're not going anywhere until I figure out where on earth I left my wallet. (在我弄清楚我把皮夹究竟放在哪儿之前, 我们哪里也不去)

17. where someone is at
定义: 某人真实的立场, 处境或本性.
例句: I just wish I knew where she was at in relation to this whole situation, but she won't open up to me about anything. (我只是希望我能知道她对于这整个情况所持的立场, 但她什么都不肯跟我透露)

18. where someone is coming from
定义: 某人的背景; 为什么造成某人有此想法.
例句: Look, I understand where you're coming from. And I kind of agree with you but rules are rules, and I can't let you do that. (听着, 我理解你为什么有这种想法. 我什至也有点同意你的观点, 但是法规就是法规, 我不能让你这样做)

19. where the action is
定义: 热闹, 刺激, 重大事件发生的地点; 当前非常流行或热门的东西.
例句: For people who want to produce online content, streaming services are where the action is right now. (对于那些想要制作在线内容的人来说, 流媒体服务是目前最热门的选择)

20. where the dickens is this guy?
定义: [不雅语]这家伙究竟在哪儿? (注: 为了减轻冲突性, 使用dickens取代devil, 但仍稍具有不礼貌或挑衅性质的口吻)
例句: Tom has not been seen for hours, where the dickens is he? (汤姆已经好几个小时没露面了, 他究竟去哪儿了?)



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