二十笔实用成语 1239
01. don't jump to conclusions
定义: 别急着下结论; 别太早下结论.
例句: I know you found some suspicious things in her office, but don't jump to conclusions. Talk to her first. (我知道你在她的办公室里发现了一些可疑的东西, 但别急着下结论. 先跟她谈谈再说)
02. don't mention it
定义: 别客气, 不用谢.
例句: "Thanks so much for saving me a seat." "Don't mention it!" ("非常感谢你帮我保留个座位." "别客气, 不用谢!")
03. don't make a fuss
定义: 别小题大作; 别大惊小怪; 别无理取闹.
例句: Sir, we have politely asked you to leave. Please don't make a fuss. (先生, 我们已经礼貌地请你离开. 请你不要无理取闹)
04. don't make a mountain out of a molehill
定义: 别小题大作; 别大惊小怪; 别无理取闹.
例句: This is just a minor setback. Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill. (这只是一个小挫折. 咱们别大惊小怪)
05. don't quote me on this
定义: 别引用我的话; 别告诉别人这是我说的. (注: 意指我所说的话只是我的私人意见, 并不百分百正确或者我不想让人知道这话是我说的)
例句: Don't quote me on this, I've used the system only few times, less than 10 in the last three years. (别告诉别人这是我说的, 我只使用过这个系统几次, 在过去三年中还用不到十次)
06. don't push your luck
定义: 别得寸进尺; 别心存侥幸.
例句: "Thank you for the raise. I was wondering if you might also consider expanding my benefits, too." "Don't push your luck, Tom." ("谢谢你的加薪. 我想知道你是否也可以考虑增加我的员工福利." "别得寸进尺, 汤姆.")
07. don't bite the hand that feeds you
定义: 别忘恩负义; 别恩将仇报.
例句: He should've taken heed of the old axiom, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." (他当初就应该奉行那句古老的格言, "做人, 别忘恩负义.")
08. fear not
定义: 别害怕; 别担心.
例句: Fear not, I'll protect you! (别害怕, 我会保护你!)
09. I won't bite
定义: 别怕, 我不会咬人; 别害臊, 你想要说什么就说. (注: 主要是对小朋友或害臊的人所使用的话语)
例句: Hi there, what's your name? Don't worry, I won't bite! (你好, 你叫什么名字? 放心, 我不会咬人的!)
10. cool your jets, to
定义: 冷静下来; 别急; 别激动.
例句: I was really angry, so I had to just take a second and cool my jets before I did anything rash. (我那时真的很生气, 所以在我做出任何冲动, 不顾后果的事情之前, 我必须先冷静一下)
11. don't shoot the messenger
定义: 别怪我, 我只是送信的人. (注: 意指要求接受这个坏消息的人别迁怒于他, 因为许多人把传递坏消息的人当作敌人或恶人)
例句: "What do you mean I'm being sued by my ex-wife? I'm going to knock your lights out!" "Hey man, I'm just doing my job. Don't shoot the messenger!" ( "你说我被我前妻提告是什么意思? 看我怎么痛扁你!" "喂伙计, 我只是在尽我传递消息的职责. 你可别迁怒于我啊!")
12. don't make waves
定义: 别没事惹是生非, 引发事端; 别没事添麻烦; 别兴风作浪; 别惹人侧目. (注: 意指希望多一事不如少一事)
例句: The merger is almost complete, so we're all just holding our collective breath that someone doesn't make waves at the last minute. (公司的合并程序即将完成, 所以大家都摒息以待, 希望有人不会在这最后一刻引发事端)
13. don't get mad, get even
定义: 别愤愤不平, 想办法报复嘛.
例句: When I heard that a co-worker had stolen my idea and presented it as his own, all I could think was, "Don't get mad, get even!" (当我听到一个同事剽窃了我的创意,并把它当成自己的创意来展示给别人的时侯, 我唯一能想到的就是, "别气坏自己, 想办法报复他!")
14. I want no part of it
定义: 别扯上我; 我不想参与这件事; 我不想跟此事有任何关系.
例句: I told them that I didn't agree with what they were doing and wanted no part of it. (我告诉他们, 我不同意他们的所做所为, 也不想参与其中)
15. don't (you) start (with me)
定义: 别说了; 别提这事(一提我就生气); 别烦我; 别跟我抱怨或争论.
例句: "Why isn't your husband here helping you pack up the house?" "Mom, don't start." ("你先生为什么不来帮妳把屋内的东西收拾好和打包?" "妈,别跟提他了.")
16. don't quit your day job; don't give up your day job 0516
定义: 别把你当前的工作辞掉, 因为你新开发的技艺尚未到达熟练或专业化的程度. (注: 意指以婉转的口气告诉某人的技艺尚需要加强)
例句: "So, what did you think of my new joke? I was going to use it in my act at the comedy club tonight." "Yeah, um... maybe don't quit your day job, kid." ( "你觉得我讲的新笑话怎么样? 我准备今晚在喜剧俱乐部表演时使用它的." "哎, 嗯... 我看你的新笑话也许还需要加强, 小伙子.")
17. don't take it out on me 0517
定义: 别把你的邪火发在我身上.
例句: I know you're mad at Dad, but don't take it out on me! (我知道你生老爸的气, 但你可别把你的气发在我身上!)
18. take it literally, to
定义: 把这些话照字面解释; 过份当真. (注: 这里的it是"想法或意见"的意思. 此句话乃是劝人不要照字面或照表面解释)
例句: I told him I never wanted to see him again, but I didn't expect him to take it literally! (我告诉他我再也不想见到他了, 但我没想到他把我的话当真!)
19. don't get your hopes up
定义: 别抱太大希望.
例句: Please don't get the kids' hopes up about Disney Land. We still don't know if we can afford it. (请不要让孩子们对游玩迪士尼乐园抱着太大希望. 我们还不知道我们是否能够负担得起这个费用)
20. don't count on me
定义: 别指望我.
例句: Don't count on me. I can't help myself, let alone anyone else. (别指望我. 我连自己都帮不了, 更别说帮别人了)
二十笔实用成语 1239
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