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二十笔实用成语 569

发表于 : 周一 6月 29, 2015 7:28 am
二十笔实用成语 569

01. I am dead set against this.

02. I am disappointed in you.

03. I am fed up with you.
[成语句型]我受够了你. (注: 意指忍无可忍)

04. I am given an offer I can't refuse.

05. I am going to powder my nose.
[成语句型]女性说的话: 我要要补一下妆. (注: 女性在公共场合不方便说要上厕所之类的话所以婉转地说要补一下​​妆)

06. I am having trouble with your viewpoint.
[成语句型]我对你的观点有问题. (注: 就是不能接受你的观点)

07. I am in desperate need of quotes.
[成语句型]我急需要报价. (注: 意指需要别人的报价. 在美国无论修车或修水电或买保险最好是先请人报价, 如不先问价钱则可能被人当冤大头狠敲– 此即"货问三家不吃亏")

08. I am into calligraphy.
[成语句型]我喜爱书法. (注: into在此是有兴趣之意)

09. I am merely the messenger. Don't kill the messenger!
[成语句型]我只是传递消息的人. 别把邪火发在我身上. (注: 意指听取坏消息的人不可把怒火撒在传递信息的人身上)

10. I am neither an Arab, a Muslim, a Jew nor a white.
[成语句型]我不是阿拉伯人, 回教徒, 犹太人, 也不是白人. (注: 这句话用来彰显neither...nor...的使用方法)

11. I am not for hire.
[成语句型]我不在找工作; 我不会为你工作; 我不会帮你作恶.

12. I am not going to put up with your craps.
[成语句型]我不会容忍你的恶劣态度. (注: craps在此是粗俗语, 要慎用)

13. I am not leaving until I am done with you.
[成语句型]我不跟你算好账(修理你), 我不会走.

14. I am not one of those ...

15. I am one happy camper.

16. I am open for suggestions.

17. I am shocked!

18. I am sick of hearing all the negative news.

19. I am so pleased with ...

20. I am sold.
[成语句型]我被你说服了; 我要买你的东西.