二十笔实用成语 209

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二十笔实用成语 209

帖子 royl » 周一 10月 17, 2011 5:12 am

二十笔实用成语 209

01. Chinese fire drill, a
定义: [具有种族歧视色彩]中国人救火演习: 意指一大群人慌张忙乱, 东跑西跳, 一事无成.
例句: A Chinese fire drill is best known as an antic in which everyone in a car gets out while at a stop light and changes seats. (中国人救火演习是个知名的哗众取宠的滑稽闹剧, 也就是在红灯停下来时, 车上每个人匆促下车交换座位)

02. Chinese walls, the
定义: 交流阻挡墙, 防止财政机关内部之间的内幕消息走漏及利益冲突.
例句: Chinese walls are used in law firms when one part of the firm, representing a party on a deal or litigation, is separated from another part with contrary interests. (律师事务所使用交流阻挡墙, 把代表某当事人交易或诉讼的一部分律师及员工跟有利益冲突的另一部分员工隔离)

03. Chinese whispers, the
定义: [英国俚语具有种族歧视色彩]以讹传讹, 一人接一人的传话, 传到最后的讯息与原本讯息不一样.
例句: It's common for tales to become distorted over time, so they become Chinese whispers, and it's hard to distinguish exactly what they mean. (传言经过长时间传播之后被扭曲是正常的, 所以它们被称为以讹传讹, 相当困难辨别出什么是真或什么是假)

04. chink in someone's armor, a
定义: 某人防卫上的弱点, 软处, 缺失.
例句: She's a brilliant businesswoman, but her lack of political awareness may be the chink in her armor. (她是一个卓越的女性生意人, 不过她的政治敏感度也许是她的弱点)

05. Chink/Chinky/Chinkie, a
定义: [种族歧视语] 清克, 中国佬.
例句: This kid has been calling me chink and gook in front of the whole class and I want to shut his mouth up. (这个小孩一直在全班同学面前叫我清克和固克, 我想叫他闭嘴)

06. chintzy, be
定义: [形容词]俗气的, 低品质的, 小气的.
例句: Don't be so chintzy with your time. Volunteer to visit seniors. (别这么吝啬你的时间. 做探望老年人的义工吧)

07. chin-wag, a
定义: [俚语]聊天, 闲聊.
例句: I would love to be a fly on the wall when Fred et al. are having a chin-wag and telling tales! This was very funny. (我真想静静地旁听佛莱德跟其他人的聊天和吹牛! 这真有意思)

08. chip away, to
定义: 一点一滴地削弱.
例句: Whenever I bring it up, she gets mad and feels I am trying to chip away at her authority. (每次我提到这件事, 她很愤怒, 认为我企图削弱她的威信)

09. chip in, to
定义: 大家帮忙一起出钱, 每人贡献一份; 加入讨论, 提出自己意见.
例句: We should chip in and buy Sally a gift when she moves away. (当莎莉搬走的时候, 我们应该一起出钱给她买一份礼物)

10. chip off the old block, be a
定义: 有其父必有其子, 子女具有相似父母的长相或性格.
例句: Look at her bossing everyone around, she's a rea​​l chip off the old block! (看她颐指气使大家的样子, 跟她父亲一个德性!)

11. chip on one's shoulder, a
定义: 表现出挑舋, 愤愤不平的态度. (注: 意指不友善及要打架的态度)
例句: Why did you get so angry at the slightest criticism? You seem to have a chip on your shoulder. (为什么你为了一点批评就生这么大的气? 你的态度看起来很愤愤不平)

12. chitchat, a
定义: 话家常, 闲聊, 交换张家长李家短的流言.
例句: So we concentrated on the menus and exchanged some chitchat about food and such. (因此我们专心于菜单以及闲聊有关食物等等之类的话题)

13. chivy about, to
定义: 不停地骚扰; 跟某人耍花样, 玩小动作.
例句: He was chivied about, insulted, and abused by every one; yet he received it all with a smiling face. (他被大家不停地骚扰, 羞辱, 和乱骂; 但他却以微笑完全接受下来)

14. chock up, to
定义: 完全挤满的, 填满的, 充满的.
例句: I am not sure why I am posting this but I am chocked up with anger and I need to vent my rage. (我不知道为什么我贴这个帖子, 但我一肚子充满怨气, 我需要找个地方发泄我的怒火)

15. chockablock with, be
定义: 完全挤满的, 填满的, 充满的.
例句: The square was chockablock with people—all looking at the speaker. (这个广场挤满了人—大家都在注意这个演讲者)

16. chock-full, be
定义: 充满或饱满.
例句: The truck was chock full of paper to be recycled. (这部卡车载满了要回收利用的纸张)

17. chocoholic, a
定义: 巧克力迷, 巧克力嗜好者.
例句: I ate an entire box of chocolates and my baby sister says I must be a chocoholic! (我吃了整盒的巧克力糖, 我小妹妹说我肯定是个巧克力迷!)

18. choice between ..., the
定义: 从...两者选其一.
例句: Equally distressing is when seniors must make a choice between food or medicine. (同样地令人沮丧的是, 考虑到老年人必须要从食物或药品两者选择其一)

19. chok up, to
定义: 哽咽, 感动, 悲痛过度以至于不能说话; 堵住, 卡住; 咳出.
例句: During his farewell talk the coach at one time got all choked up and started to cry. (在离别谈话的时候, 这个教练一度哽咽并开始哭泣)

20. choke back, to
定义: 强烈压抑情绪. (注: 常用于压抑悲伤或悲痛).
例句: She struggled to choke back her anger as she listened to their criticisms. (当她聆听他们对她的批评时, 她尽量地压抑她的愤怒)



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