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注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm


帖子 royl » 周三 12月 14, 2011 10:17 pm


我經常在另一網站通過站內通信解答網友的問題. 有些問答比較具有意義, 我想拿出來跟其他網友分享.

I remember a particular Peanuts cartoon in which Charlie Brown is having a bad day. He’s just struck out swinging. In disgust, he shouts, "Rats!" Back in the dugout, he buries his face in his hands and laments to Lucy, "I’ll never be a big-league ballplayer. All my life, I’ve dreamed of playing in the big leagues, but I just know I’ll never make it."

Lucy responds, "You’re thinking way too far ahead, Charlie Brown. What you need to do is set yourself more immediate goals."

"Immediate goals?" asks Charlie.

"Yes," says Lucy. "Start with this next inning when you go out to pitch. See if you can walk out to the mound without falling down."

Baseball is a game rich in wisdom. Look at all the specialists: designated hitters, set-up relief pitchers, closers, and on and on.

The lesson is clear. Want to excel in life? Master what you do, and, for sure, master one thing at a time.

Mackay’s Moral: You have to get to the plate before you can hit one out of the park.

問題: 麻烦您看一下See if you can walk out to the mound without falling down.是什么意思?
回答: 你把前文一起附上非常好, 因為你的問題跟前文大有關係. 使用上述的故事來引喻我們要成為一個出色的專家或高手必須一步接一步地磨練; 沒有一蹴可幾的奇蹟 = 飯要一口一口地吃! 露西規勸查理•布朗要從下一局球賽來考慮立即的目標; 而不是跳躍式的思考, 要馬上一步到位成為棒球大聯盟的球員. 有了這個基本認識之後, 如果你想一口氣成為棒球賽的靈魂, 也就是一個投手, 你肯定會把工作搞砸.
"Start with this next inning when you go out to pitch. See if you can walk out to the mound without falling down."
這句話我的翻譯是, "從下一局球賽開始, 你出場作投手. 看看你會不會把工作搞砸."
注1: 這裡的mound就是投手站的位置; walk out to the mound就是出場作投手.
注2: 這裡的falling down不是摔了一跤的意思而是fall down on the job = to do a job badly = 也就是把工作搞砸的意思.

問題: Baseball is a game rich in wisdom. Look at all the specialists: designated hitters, set-up relief pitchers, closers, and on and on.这句话中的closers是什么意思,我查不到。
回答: A closer: [棒球術語] a pitcher who specializes in finishing games = 一個擅長於把對方攻勢瓦解或結束比賽的投手.
問題: 最后一句, Mackay’s Moral: You have to get to the plate before you can hit one out of the park.是什么意思?
回答: Mackay先生的深長寓意(moral)是, "你必須先要身體力行或身經百戰才能有出色的表現."
上面的解釋是由原句翻譯, "你必須先要站上打擊位置才能打個全壘打."所衍生的.
注: 這裡的hit one out of the park = 把球打出球場 = 打出全壘打.



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