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二十笔实用成语 236

发表于 : 周四 11月 17, 2011 2:50 pm
二十笔实用成语 236

01. come unglued, to
定义: 被解开; 被松开; 极受烦扰, 勃然大怒, 情绪失控.
例句: He was calm in the tense situation then suddenly he came unglued and started screaming. He completely lost it. (在这个紧张情况下他本来还冷静, 突然他情绪失控, 开始尖叫. 他精神完全崩溃了)

02. come unstuck, to
定义: 被解开; 被松开; 失败, 被击败.
例句: She towers over most of the men's field, let alone the women's but in her quarterfinal clash she came unstuck against China's world number two Qian Qin. (她跟比大部分男子技艺还高, 更别说跟女子比, 但在四强决赛上她被世界排名第二的中国选手秦茜击败)

03. come up a little short, to
定义: 差一点, 未能达到, 功亏一篑, 有所短缺.
例句: So even if you come up a little short in one area, perhaps one of your stronger points will make up for the weak one. (所以即使你在一个领域有所短缺, 也许你的优点之一将可以弥补这个弱点)

04. come up against a brick wall, to
定义: 碰到难关, 毫无进展.
例句: Yet when it comes to us forgiving others, we often come up against a brick wall. It seems such a hard task sometimes, especially as the hurt can be so deep. (然而当我们谈到原谅别人, 我们常常碰到难关. 有时候它好像是个艰难任务尤其当我们受到太深的伤害)

05. come up against, to
定义: 遭遇到阻碍或问题.
例句: I've never come up against anything I can't handle. (我还没碰到我不能解决的问题)

06. come up empty, to
定义: 空手而回, 无法达成, 无功而返.
例句: Police said two men came up empty Tuesday evening when they tried to rob an 18-year-old man near a loading dock. (警方说, 星期二晚间当两名男子在一个装卸区试图抢劫一个十八岁年青人未遂之后他们无功而返)

07. come up for air, to
定义: 歇口气, (出来)休息一下, 换口气.
例句: My daughters squealed with delight when a manatee came up for air next to the canoe. She swears he was smiling at her when he came up. (当一只海牛游近我们独木舟换口气的时候, 我女儿高兴地尖叫. 她发誓当他游近的时候跟她微笑)

08. come up from behind, to
定义: 由后赶上.
例句: Here is a news about a candidate who is coming up from behind. I'd say if voter turnout was low enough that guy has a chance. (这是个有关一个后选人由后赶上的新闻. 我估计如果出来投票的选民低到一个程度这个人有机会当选)

09. come up from the ranks, to
定义: 从基层做起, 一路升迁.
例句: I sincerely hope that it will be someone that comes up from the ranks and not a political hack. (我衷心希望这是一个从基层做起的人而不是一个听话的党工)

10. come up in the world, to
定义: (某人)升官致富, 飞黄腾达, 崭露头角.
例句: Keep your eye on John. He's really coming up in the world. (你要注意约翰. 他肯定会崭露头角)

11. come up roses/come up smelling like roses, to
定义: 结局完满; 陷入丑闻而被证明无辜; 遭到挫败而成功胜出.
例句: I was surprised that Tom came up smelling like a rose after he was investigated for his involvement in the incident. (我很惊讶汤姆被调查他所涉入这个事件之后被证明无辜)

12. come up short, to
定义: 做得不足, 无法到达预期目标, 少给, 有所短缺.
例句: I don't know how my register came up short. Even if it really did, I don't want this unjust accusation on my record. (我不知道我的收银机为什么有所短缺. 即使它确实有短缺, 我也不希望这个不公平的指控列在我的记录上)

13. come up smiling, to
定义: 重振精神; 结局完满; 逃过一劫后恢复或更胜于以前状况.
例句: It's the man who can grin and bear it, coming up smiling after each fall, who wins in the end. (这是一个逆来顺受并一笑置之, 每次失败之后重振精神, 取得最终胜利的人)

14. come up through the ranks, to
定义: 从基层做起, 一路升迁.
例句: Every young pitcher who comes up through the ranks and is called up to the big leagues probably has a goal of one day pitching a perfect game. (每个从基层做起然后被大联盟征召的年青投手都有一个某一天投出完美比赛的目标)

15. come up to scratch, to
定义: 符合期望, 要求或标准.
例句: I am aware that there are a few bad apples in the basket and, like every institution, we will not all come up to scratch. (我清楚每个团体都有一些害群之马, 像每个组织, 不是我们每个人都能符合期望)

16. come up to, to
定义: 符合期望, 要求或标准; 走近, 接近; 达到.
例句: Her friends would all come up to her and tell her "she looked great" and then ask her "how she did it?" (她的朋友们都走过来告诉她"她看起来好漂亮", 然后问她"她怎么做到的?")

17. come up trumps, to
定义: 突如其来的成功, 异军突起.
例句: John's uncle came up trumps and found us a place to stay at the last minute. (约翰的叔叔在最后一刻突然成功地替我们找到一个住的地方)

18. come up with a catchy phrase, to
定义: 想出一个吸引人又容易记的词汇.
例句: We only make up 1/5 of 1% of America but came up with a catchy phrase, "We are the 99%." (我们只占美国百分之零点二的人口但我们却想出一个吸引人又容易记的词汇, "我们都是弱势的百分之九十九.")

19. come up with a solution, to
定义: 想/找出一个解决方案.
例句: But not to worry, a Belgian architect has come up with a solution—"amphibian towns" to house the future refugees. (但是别烦恼, 一个比利时建筑师想出一个解决方案—"水陆双栖城市"来供给未来难民居住)

20. come up with nothing, to
定义: 束手无策, 无功而返, 一无所获.
例句: Every evening after work, I'd turn on the computer, lock my front door, give my head permission to run wild, and come up with nothing. (每个下班后的晚间, 我打开电脑, 锁上前门,容许我的头脑四处狂奔然后一无所获. 注: 意指他辛勤工作之后所做的尽量放松脑筋运动)