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二十笔实用成语 265

发表于 : 周四 12月 22, 2011 1:08 am
二十笔实用成语 265

01. cuddle up, to
定义: 保持轻松舒适的姿势, 偎依, 蜷缩着睡.
例句: I love to cuddle up with a good book by a fireside, listening to golden melodies of yesteryear. (我喜爱轻松舒适地躺在壁炉边一面聆听优美的老歌一面阅读一本好书)

02. cue in, to
定义: 提示, 暗示.
例句: Please, cue me in here, what happened? (麻烦你给我一点提示, 发生了什么事?)

03. cul-de-sac, a
定义: 死巷子, 死胡同, 街道或通道的一端不能通行.
例句: Just as I hit a cul-de-sac in my investigations, something most unexpected occurred. I suddenly realized that I had fallen in love with the subject. (正当我的调查碰到死胡同的时候, 某件没预料到的事情发生. 我突然了解到我已经爱上了被调查的对象)

04. cull from, to
定义: 挑选, 精选.
例句: They've culled some of the best photos from her collected works. (他们从她所收藏的作品中精选出一些最好的照片)

05. cull out, to
定义: 挑选出或剔除.
例句: The obvious things that will get you culled out immediately include: spelling mistakes; getting their name wrong; not following any instructions. (这些会让你马上被剔除的明显错误包括: 拼写错误; 把他们名字说错; 不遵循任何指示)

06. cultural landscape, the
定义: 文化景观.
例句: The West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou, comprising the West Lake and the hills surrounding its three sides, has inspired famous artists since the 9th century. (杭州西湖的文化景观, 包括西湖和其三面环绕的山丘, 从第九世纪起便给予许多知名艺术家创作灵感)


07. culture shock, a
定义: 文化冲击. (注: 到一个陌生国家及陌生文化所产生的迷惑与焦虑)
例句: No matter what you may think now, chances are you will get some kind of culture shock on return to your home country. (不管你现在怎么想, 当你回到自己祖国之后你极有可能会碰到某种文化冲击)

08. culture vulture, a
定义: 文化艺术狂热份子, 消费或过份迷恋文化, 艺术的人.
例句: I'm not a culture vulture by any means, but do appreciate the arts. (我决不是一个文化艺术狂热份子, 但我很欣赏各种艺术)

09. cunt, a
定义: [肮脏粗俗语]女性生殖器官, 被厌恶的女人.
例句: I wish that cunt would shut up, I heard enough of her insults. (我希望这个讨厌女人闭嘴, 我受够了她的羞辱)

10. cup of tea, one's
定义: 喜爱的活动; 一技之长; 一回事.
例句: Going out and browse some shops is not her cup of tea, she prefer to purchase one or two online. (她并不喜欢外出逛街, 她比较喜欢在网上购买几件东西)

11. cup runneth over, one's
定义: 福杯满溢; 生活富足顺遂.
例句: This week, I finished paying off my mortgage, my arthritis improved, and my first grandson was born. My cup runneth over. (这个星期, 我偿还了我的房贷, 我的关节炎好多了, 而且我的第一个孙子也生下来了. 我福杯满溢, 生活顺遂)

12. cupboard is bare, the
定义: 需要的资源已经枯竭, 用光了.
例句: The farmer tells this person to go away, his cupboard is bare, and there is no food to share. (这个农民要此人离开, 他的食物已经吃光了, 没有食物可以分给别人)

13. cupboard love, a
定义: 有所企图的爱或讨好.
例句: It's no good going to your boss with your cupboard love, she won't give you any raise. (你别费心思讨好你的老板, 她不会给你加薪)

14. cuppa, a
定义: [英国]一杯热茶. (注: cuppa是a cup of tea的简称)
例句: It sounds like you could use a cuppa and my shortbread. (听起来你需要一杯热茶和我做的奶酥饼干)


15. curate's egg, a
定义: [英国]好坏参半.
例句: As such, I feel the film is something of a curate's egg; some of it works really well, while others need to be more refined. (就这点来说, 我认为这部电影好坏参半; 一部分表现得很成功, 但其他部分需要更加精炼一些)

16. curb your enthusiasm, to
定义: 克制自己的热情; 别太兴奋因为你可能会失望.
例句: When you're out shopping, whether it's for yourself or for loved ones, prepare to curb your enthusiasm. (当你外出购物, 不论是为你自己或亲人, 你要做好克制购买热情的准备. 注:意指由于信用卡泛滥发行使得购物手续极为方便也造成有许多病态的购物狂)

17. cure the problem, to
定义: 解决问题.
例句: If you can't cure the problem, don't lie, make excuses or cover up the problem. (如果你无法解决问题的话, 别说谎, 别找理由搪塞或掩饰问题)

18. curiously enough
定义: 说起来也奇怪. (注: 意指某事看似令人不解, 其实它确实发生)
例句: She's lived in Brazil for more than 10 years, but curiously enough she can't speak a word of Portuguese. (她已经在巴西住了十多年, 说起来也奇怪, 她一句葡萄牙语都不会说)

19. curl one's hair, to
定义: 吓得毛骨悚然, 吓坏人.
例句: The man described the accident. It was enough to curl your hair! (这个人叙述这个事故. 你听了会吓得毛骨悚然!)

20. curl one's lip, to
定义: 撇嘴, 不屑一顾. (注: 表示轻蔑)
例句: She curled her lip in scorn when I tried to hand her a cup of coffee; it turned out that she loved hot soy milk. (当我试图递给她一杯咖啡的时候, 她轻蔑地不屑一顾; 结果我发现她喜爱的是热豆奶)