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二十笔实用成语 414

发表于 : 周六 11月 10, 2012 12:38 pm
二十笔实用成语 414

01. fridge, a
定义: [非正式用语]冰箱的简称.
例句: "You got anything to drink?" "Yeah, there's some ice tea in the fridge. Help yourself." ("你有什么东西可以喝的?" "有, 在冰箱里有一些冰红茶. 自己倒吧.")

02. friend in court/in high places, a
定义: 有背景可依仗的高位/有势力朋友.
例句: A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. (囊中有钱不如朝中有友)

03. friend in name only, a
定义: 表面上的/有名无实的朋友. (注: 意指此人名义上说是个朋友, 其实没交情)
例句: He is just a friend in name only, I can't count on him. (他只是个名义上的朋友, 我不能指望他)

04. friendly fire
定义: 友军炮火. (注: 常用在被友军炮火所误杀, killed by friendly fire)
例句: The US Department of Defense concluded that Pat Tillman's death was due to friendly fire aggravated by the intensity of the firefight. (美国国防部总结派特•提尔曼的死亡是由被强烈炮击所激怒的友军炮火所造成的)

05. friendly to a fault, be
定义: 极为/过于亲切友善, 极为/过于客气.
例句: Their service is friendly to a fault. The chef knows his business and makes sure that everybody leaves the restaurant with a smile. (他们的服务极为亲切. 这位大厨精通自己业务并希望所有客人都能带着满足的微笑离开餐厅)

06. friends with ..., be
定义: 与...为友.
例句: I could never be friends with my ex probably because it ended badly. (由于我们婚姻结束得很痛苦, 我跟我前夫决不可能成为朋友)

07. frighten away/off, to
定义: 吓走, 吓跑.
例句: On her way to the bathroom, she stumbled on a doll and its squeals frightened the prowler away. (去上厕所的时候, 她跌跌撞撞地踩到一只洋娃娃, 它发出的尖锐声音把小偷吓跑)

08. frighten into, to
定义: 吓唬, 恐吓, 裹胁, 威胁.
例句: He tried to frighten me into buying the additional insurance by telling me that my insurance will not cover the total charges if I did have an accident. (藉由告诉我如​​果我发生了车祸, 我的保险理赔不包含所有的费用, 他意图吓唬我买额外的保险)

09. frighten out of, to
定义: 吓得不敢做(某事).
例句: Bad economic news has frightened people out of putting their money in the stock market. (这些经济不景气的新闻使人们吓得不敢投资股市)

10. frighten the daylights out of someone, to
定义: 吓坏, 吓个半死, 吓得魂飞魄散.
例句: Falling off her bicycle frightened the daylights out of her. (从脚踏车摔下来把她吓坏了)

11. frighten the piss out of someone, to
定义: 吓坏, 吓个半死, 吓得某人屁滚尿流.
例句: The horror movie didn't scare me, but it frightened the piss out of me when someone knocked on my door and my dog​​ started to bark. (这部恐怖电影并没吓着我, 但当有人敲我的门, 我的狗突然大叫时把我吓个半死)

12. frightened to death, be
定义: 被吓坏, 吓得半死.
例句: She said she was frightened to death when she heard the shot. (她说当她听到枪声的时候她吓得半死)

13. fringe benefit, a
定义: 额外的工作福利. (注: 不影响基本薪资的福利例如退休金, 抚恤金, 节庆付薪)
例句: Why a person who pays cash for insurance should be taxed more heavily than another person who gets insurance as a fringe benefit? (为什么一个以现金支付保险的人应当比另一个取得作为额外福利保险的人要负担更重的税?)

14. frisk for weapons, to
定义: 搜身. (注: 检查某人身上是否藏匿武器)
例句: At tough schools, students are routinely frisked for weapons. (在不易管理的学校, 学生们定期地被搜身检查是否藏匿武器)

15. fritter away, to
定义: 挥霍, 浪费.
例句: You frittered away one hundred dollars on that piece of junk? (你浪费了一百块钱买的居然是这个废物?)

16. frog in the/one's throat, to have a
定义: 声音沙哑的或带痰的.
例句: Excuse me, I have to take a sip of water to clear the frog in my throat. (对不起, 我必须要喝一口水清清我嗓子的沙哑)

17. from a ... perspective
定义: 从...的角度或观点来看.
例句: I don't sympathize with their viewpoint on the issue. But from a cultural perspective I can see where they are coming from. (对于这个议题, 我不同意他们的观点. 但从文化的角度来看, 我可以了解他们为什么持这个看法)

18. from a ... standpoint
定义: 从...的观点来看.
例句: From a PR standpoint, I can't help but love this car. Going eco-friendly with a super car is going to win over everybody. (从公共宣传的观点来看, 我不得不喜爱这部车. 环保和大马力汽车的结合肯定会赢得大家的好感)

19. from a different angle
定义: 从另一个角度或观点看某事.
例句: Now that I am out of country and seeing the society from a different angle I see so many things that I would have never noticed before. (由于人在国外, 我可以从另一个角度来看这个社会, 我看到了许多以前没注意到的事情)

20. from a distance
定义: 从远处. (注: 常用于从远处来看之类的句子)
例句: Without my glasses, I can't see much from a distance except blurs of color. (不戴眼镜, 除了模糊颜色之外我从远处什么都看不清楚)